Postgres cursor deal with %ROWTYPE

up vote
down vote


Please help me to resolve this function error. The cursor explicitly declare %rowtype in PostgreSQL. I was told to convert cursors to pass records around from Oracle to Postgres. Can this be implemented the same way in Postgres? I saw some syntax in the Postgres docs showed a function being created a row variable can be declared to have the same type as the rows of an existing table unfortunately, mine was join tables.


c1 cursor is
SELECT stg.Service_Center, stg.Receipt_Number, stg.Date_Entered, stg.Sequence_Number,
stg.SSN, stg.A_Number, stg.Last_Name, stg.First_Name, stg.Middle_Name, stg.DOB,
stg.Street_Mail, stg.City_Mail, stg.State_Mail, stg.Zip_Mail, stg.Province_Mail,
stg.Postal_Code_Mail, stg.Country_Mail, stg.Street_Res, stg.City_Res, stg.State_Res,
stg.Zip_Res, stg.Province_Res, stg.Postal_Code_Res, stg.Country_Res, stg.US_Citizen,
stg.Basis, stg.Accompany, stg.mig_filename,stg.mig_insert_dt,stg.mig_modified_dt,
prod.receipt_number as prod_receipt_number, prod.date_entered as prod_date_entered,
prod.sequence_number as prod_sequence_number
FROM cidr_staging.stg_i864 stg LEFT OUTER JOIN cidrdba.sc_i864 prod
ON coalesce(stg.receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.receipt_number,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.date_entered,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.sequence_number,'NULL')
ORDER by stg.mig_seq;

rec1 c1% rowtype;
v_rows int = 0;
v_seq int =0;
v_ErrorCode int;
v_ErrorMsg varchar(512);
v_Module varchar(32) = 'PR_MIG_STG_I864';
v_DDL varchar(10);
v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
v_Dat_Ent cidr_staging.stg_i864.date_entered%type;
v_Seq_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.sequence_number%type;


v_Ret := 0;
for rec1 in c1

--dbms_output.put_line('Processing Receipt_Number ' || rec1.receipt_number);
-- If the PROD_RECEIPT_NUMBER is null, then the record does not exist in the Production table.
if rec1.prod_receipt_number is null then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;

insert into cidrdba.sc_i864 values (
rec1.Service_Center, rec1.Receipt_Number, coalesce(rec1.Date_Entered,''),
rec1.Sequence_Number, rec1.ssn, rec1.a_number, rec1.last_name, rec1.first_name,
rec1.middle_name, rec1.dob, rec1.street_mail, rec1.city_mail, rec1.state_mail,
rec1.zip_mail, rec1.Province_Mail, rec1.Postal_Code_Mail, rec1.Country_Mail,
rec1.Street_Res, rec1.City_Res, rec1.State_Res, rec1.Zip_Res, rec1.Province_Res,
rec1.Postal_Code_Res, rec1.Country_Res, rec1.US_Citizen, rec1.Basis, rec1.Accompany,
rec1.mig_filename, rec1.mig_insert_dt, rec1.mig_modified_dt );
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'INSERT processed ' || v_rows );
end if;
elsif coalesce(rec1.prod_receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL') and
coalesce(rec1.prod_date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL'
) and
coalesce(rec1.prod_sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL') then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;
update cidrdba.sc_i864 set
SSN = rec1.SSN,
A_Number = rec1.A_Number,
Last_Name = rec1.Last_Name,
First_Name = rec1.First_Name,
Middle_Name = rec1.Middle_Name,
DOB = rec1.DOB,
Street_Mail = rec1.Street_Mail,
City_Mail = rec1.City_Mail,
State_Mail = rec1.State_Mail,
Zip_Mail = rec1.Zip_Mail,
Province_Mail = rec1.Province_Mail,
Postal_Code_Mail = rec1.Postal_Code_Mail,
Country_Mail = rec1.Country_Mail,
Street_Res = rec1.Street_Res,
City_Res = rec1.City_Res,
State_Res = rec1.State_Res,
Zip_Res = rec1.Zip_Res,
Province_Res = rec1.Province_Res,
Postal_Code_Res = rec1.Postal_Code_Res,
Country_Res = rec1.Country_Res,
US_Citizen = rec1.US_Citizen,
Basis = rec1.Basis,
Accompany = rec1.Accompany,
mig_filename = rec1.mig_filename,
mig_modified_dt = current_timestamp
coalesce(receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL')
coalesce(date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL') and
coalesce(sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL'
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'UPDATE processed ' || v_rows || ', expected 1' );
end if;
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'FAILED to process: ' ||
rec1.Receipt_Number || ', ' || rec1.Date_Entered || ', ' || rec1.Sequence_Number );
end if;
exit when v_Ret != 0 or SQLCODE != 0;
end loop;

if v_Ret = 0 then
v_Ret := SQLCODE;
end if;

when others then
v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE;
v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM;

if inserting then
v_ddl := 'INSERT';
elsif updating then
v_ddl := 'UPDATE';
v_ddl := 'UNKNOWN';
end if;

PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, v_ddl || ' encountered FALTAL ERROR: (' || v_ErrorCode || '): ' || v_ErrorMsg );

--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR while ' || v_ddl || ': Encountered (' || v_ErrorCode || ') : ' || v_ErrorMsg );
--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR: Record ' || nvl(v_Rec_Num,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Dat_Ent,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Seq_Num,'null') );
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

ERROR: relation "c1" does not exist

CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "PR_MIG_STG_I864" near line 22

SQL state: 42P01

Also, "record" variables are similar to row-type variables. I have tried to use the generic type "record" for rec1. When rec1 as record and the rest of my declaration for v_Rec_Num, v_Dat_Ent, and v_Seq_Num of schema.table_name does not exit.

ERROR: invalid type name "cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type"

LINE 29: v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
SQL state: 42601

Character: 1626

I can’t specify any relation automatically specifies a type called <relation>%rowtype? I appreciate all assistance.

share|improve this question

  • I resolved the problems. appreciated for all helps very much.
    – Bach-Nga
    Nov 9 at 17:58

up vote
down vote


Please help me to resolve this function error. The cursor explicitly declare %rowtype in PostgreSQL. I was told to convert cursors to pass records around from Oracle to Postgres. Can this be implemented the same way in Postgres? I saw some syntax in the Postgres docs showed a function being created a row variable can be declared to have the same type as the rows of an existing table unfortunately, mine was join tables.


c1 cursor is
SELECT stg.Service_Center, stg.Receipt_Number, stg.Date_Entered, stg.Sequence_Number,
stg.SSN, stg.A_Number, stg.Last_Name, stg.First_Name, stg.Middle_Name, stg.DOB,
stg.Street_Mail, stg.City_Mail, stg.State_Mail, stg.Zip_Mail, stg.Province_Mail,
stg.Postal_Code_Mail, stg.Country_Mail, stg.Street_Res, stg.City_Res, stg.State_Res,
stg.Zip_Res, stg.Province_Res, stg.Postal_Code_Res, stg.Country_Res, stg.US_Citizen,
stg.Basis, stg.Accompany, stg.mig_filename,stg.mig_insert_dt,stg.mig_modified_dt,
prod.receipt_number as prod_receipt_number, prod.date_entered as prod_date_entered,
prod.sequence_number as prod_sequence_number
FROM cidr_staging.stg_i864 stg LEFT OUTER JOIN cidrdba.sc_i864 prod
ON coalesce(stg.receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.receipt_number,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.date_entered,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.sequence_number,'NULL')
ORDER by stg.mig_seq;

rec1 c1% rowtype;
v_rows int = 0;
v_seq int =0;
v_ErrorCode int;
v_ErrorMsg varchar(512);
v_Module varchar(32) = 'PR_MIG_STG_I864';
v_DDL varchar(10);
v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
v_Dat_Ent cidr_staging.stg_i864.date_entered%type;
v_Seq_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.sequence_number%type;


v_Ret := 0;
for rec1 in c1

--dbms_output.put_line('Processing Receipt_Number ' || rec1.receipt_number);
-- If the PROD_RECEIPT_NUMBER is null, then the record does not exist in the Production table.
if rec1.prod_receipt_number is null then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;

insert into cidrdba.sc_i864 values (
rec1.Service_Center, rec1.Receipt_Number, coalesce(rec1.Date_Entered,''),
rec1.Sequence_Number, rec1.ssn, rec1.a_number, rec1.last_name, rec1.first_name,
rec1.middle_name, rec1.dob, rec1.street_mail, rec1.city_mail, rec1.state_mail,
rec1.zip_mail, rec1.Province_Mail, rec1.Postal_Code_Mail, rec1.Country_Mail,
rec1.Street_Res, rec1.City_Res, rec1.State_Res, rec1.Zip_Res, rec1.Province_Res,
rec1.Postal_Code_Res, rec1.Country_Res, rec1.US_Citizen, rec1.Basis, rec1.Accompany,
rec1.mig_filename, rec1.mig_insert_dt, rec1.mig_modified_dt );
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'INSERT processed ' || v_rows );
end if;
elsif coalesce(rec1.prod_receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL') and
coalesce(rec1.prod_date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL'
) and
coalesce(rec1.prod_sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL') then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;
update cidrdba.sc_i864 set
SSN = rec1.SSN,
A_Number = rec1.A_Number,
Last_Name = rec1.Last_Name,
First_Name = rec1.First_Name,
Middle_Name = rec1.Middle_Name,
DOB = rec1.DOB,
Street_Mail = rec1.Street_Mail,
City_Mail = rec1.City_Mail,
State_Mail = rec1.State_Mail,
Zip_Mail = rec1.Zip_Mail,
Province_Mail = rec1.Province_Mail,
Postal_Code_Mail = rec1.Postal_Code_Mail,
Country_Mail = rec1.Country_Mail,
Street_Res = rec1.Street_Res,
City_Res = rec1.City_Res,
State_Res = rec1.State_Res,
Zip_Res = rec1.Zip_Res,
Province_Res = rec1.Province_Res,
Postal_Code_Res = rec1.Postal_Code_Res,
Country_Res = rec1.Country_Res,
US_Citizen = rec1.US_Citizen,
Basis = rec1.Basis,
Accompany = rec1.Accompany,
mig_filename = rec1.mig_filename,
mig_modified_dt = current_timestamp
coalesce(receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL')
coalesce(date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL') and
coalesce(sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL'
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'UPDATE processed ' || v_rows || ', expected 1' );
end if;
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'FAILED to process: ' ||
rec1.Receipt_Number || ', ' || rec1.Date_Entered || ', ' || rec1.Sequence_Number );
end if;
exit when v_Ret != 0 or SQLCODE != 0;
end loop;

if v_Ret = 0 then
v_Ret := SQLCODE;
end if;

when others then
v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE;
v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM;

if inserting then
v_ddl := 'INSERT';
elsif updating then
v_ddl := 'UPDATE';
v_ddl := 'UNKNOWN';
end if;

PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, v_ddl || ' encountered FALTAL ERROR: (' || v_ErrorCode || '): ' || v_ErrorMsg );

--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR while ' || v_ddl || ': Encountered (' || v_ErrorCode || ') : ' || v_ErrorMsg );
--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR: Record ' || nvl(v_Rec_Num,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Dat_Ent,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Seq_Num,'null') );
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

ERROR: relation "c1" does not exist

CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "PR_MIG_STG_I864" near line 22

SQL state: 42P01

Also, "record" variables are similar to row-type variables. I have tried to use the generic type "record" for rec1. When rec1 as record and the rest of my declaration for v_Rec_Num, v_Dat_Ent, and v_Seq_Num of schema.table_name does not exit.

ERROR: invalid type name "cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type"

LINE 29: v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
SQL state: 42601

Character: 1626

I can’t specify any relation automatically specifies a type called <relation>%rowtype? I appreciate all assistance.

share|improve this question

  • I resolved the problems. appreciated for all helps very much.
    – Bach-Nga
    Nov 9 at 17:58

up vote
down vote


up vote
down vote


Please help me to resolve this function error. The cursor explicitly declare %rowtype in PostgreSQL. I was told to convert cursors to pass records around from Oracle to Postgres. Can this be implemented the same way in Postgres? I saw some syntax in the Postgres docs showed a function being created a row variable can be declared to have the same type as the rows of an existing table unfortunately, mine was join tables.


c1 cursor is
SELECT stg.Service_Center, stg.Receipt_Number, stg.Date_Entered, stg.Sequence_Number,
stg.SSN, stg.A_Number, stg.Last_Name, stg.First_Name, stg.Middle_Name, stg.DOB,
stg.Street_Mail, stg.City_Mail, stg.State_Mail, stg.Zip_Mail, stg.Province_Mail,
stg.Postal_Code_Mail, stg.Country_Mail, stg.Street_Res, stg.City_Res, stg.State_Res,
stg.Zip_Res, stg.Province_Res, stg.Postal_Code_Res, stg.Country_Res, stg.US_Citizen,
stg.Basis, stg.Accompany, stg.mig_filename,stg.mig_insert_dt,stg.mig_modified_dt,
prod.receipt_number as prod_receipt_number, prod.date_entered as prod_date_entered,
prod.sequence_number as prod_sequence_number
FROM cidr_staging.stg_i864 stg LEFT OUTER JOIN cidrdba.sc_i864 prod
ON coalesce(stg.receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.receipt_number,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.date_entered,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.sequence_number,'NULL')
ORDER by stg.mig_seq;

rec1 c1% rowtype;
v_rows int = 0;
v_seq int =0;
v_ErrorCode int;
v_ErrorMsg varchar(512);
v_Module varchar(32) = 'PR_MIG_STG_I864';
v_DDL varchar(10);
v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
v_Dat_Ent cidr_staging.stg_i864.date_entered%type;
v_Seq_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.sequence_number%type;


v_Ret := 0;
for rec1 in c1

--dbms_output.put_line('Processing Receipt_Number ' || rec1.receipt_number);
-- If the PROD_RECEIPT_NUMBER is null, then the record does not exist in the Production table.
if rec1.prod_receipt_number is null then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;

insert into cidrdba.sc_i864 values (
rec1.Service_Center, rec1.Receipt_Number, coalesce(rec1.Date_Entered,''),
rec1.Sequence_Number, rec1.ssn, rec1.a_number, rec1.last_name, rec1.first_name,
rec1.middle_name, rec1.dob, rec1.street_mail, rec1.city_mail, rec1.state_mail,
rec1.zip_mail, rec1.Province_Mail, rec1.Postal_Code_Mail, rec1.Country_Mail,
rec1.Street_Res, rec1.City_Res, rec1.State_Res, rec1.Zip_Res, rec1.Province_Res,
rec1.Postal_Code_Res, rec1.Country_Res, rec1.US_Citizen, rec1.Basis, rec1.Accompany,
rec1.mig_filename, rec1.mig_insert_dt, rec1.mig_modified_dt );
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'INSERT processed ' || v_rows );
end if;
elsif coalesce(rec1.prod_receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL') and
coalesce(rec1.prod_date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL'
) and
coalesce(rec1.prod_sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL') then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;
update cidrdba.sc_i864 set
SSN = rec1.SSN,
A_Number = rec1.A_Number,
Last_Name = rec1.Last_Name,
First_Name = rec1.First_Name,
Middle_Name = rec1.Middle_Name,
DOB = rec1.DOB,
Street_Mail = rec1.Street_Mail,
City_Mail = rec1.City_Mail,
State_Mail = rec1.State_Mail,
Zip_Mail = rec1.Zip_Mail,
Province_Mail = rec1.Province_Mail,
Postal_Code_Mail = rec1.Postal_Code_Mail,
Country_Mail = rec1.Country_Mail,
Street_Res = rec1.Street_Res,
City_Res = rec1.City_Res,
State_Res = rec1.State_Res,
Zip_Res = rec1.Zip_Res,
Province_Res = rec1.Province_Res,
Postal_Code_Res = rec1.Postal_Code_Res,
Country_Res = rec1.Country_Res,
US_Citizen = rec1.US_Citizen,
Basis = rec1.Basis,
Accompany = rec1.Accompany,
mig_filename = rec1.mig_filename,
mig_modified_dt = current_timestamp
coalesce(receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL')
coalesce(date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL') and
coalesce(sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL'
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'UPDATE processed ' || v_rows || ', expected 1' );
end if;
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'FAILED to process: ' ||
rec1.Receipt_Number || ', ' || rec1.Date_Entered || ', ' || rec1.Sequence_Number );
end if;
exit when v_Ret != 0 or SQLCODE != 0;
end loop;

if v_Ret = 0 then
v_Ret := SQLCODE;
end if;

when others then
v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE;
v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM;

if inserting then
v_ddl := 'INSERT';
elsif updating then
v_ddl := 'UPDATE';
v_ddl := 'UNKNOWN';
end if;

PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, v_ddl || ' encountered FALTAL ERROR: (' || v_ErrorCode || '): ' || v_ErrorMsg );

--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR while ' || v_ddl || ': Encountered (' || v_ErrorCode || ') : ' || v_ErrorMsg );
--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR: Record ' || nvl(v_Rec_Num,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Dat_Ent,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Seq_Num,'null') );
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

ERROR: relation "c1" does not exist

CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "PR_MIG_STG_I864" near line 22

SQL state: 42P01

Also, "record" variables are similar to row-type variables. I have tried to use the generic type "record" for rec1. When rec1 as record and the rest of my declaration for v_Rec_Num, v_Dat_Ent, and v_Seq_Num of schema.table_name does not exit.

ERROR: invalid type name "cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type"

LINE 29: v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
SQL state: 42601

Character: 1626

I can’t specify any relation automatically specifies a type called <relation>%rowtype? I appreciate all assistance.

share|improve this question

Please help me to resolve this function error. The cursor explicitly declare %rowtype in PostgreSQL. I was told to convert cursors to pass records around from Oracle to Postgres. Can this be implemented the same way in Postgres? I saw some syntax in the Postgres docs showed a function being created a row variable can be declared to have the same type as the rows of an existing table unfortunately, mine was join tables.


c1 cursor is
SELECT stg.Service_Center, stg.Receipt_Number, stg.Date_Entered, stg.Sequence_Number,
stg.SSN, stg.A_Number, stg.Last_Name, stg.First_Name, stg.Middle_Name, stg.DOB,
stg.Street_Mail, stg.City_Mail, stg.State_Mail, stg.Zip_Mail, stg.Province_Mail,
stg.Postal_Code_Mail, stg.Country_Mail, stg.Street_Res, stg.City_Res, stg.State_Res,
stg.Zip_Res, stg.Province_Res, stg.Postal_Code_Res, stg.Country_Res, stg.US_Citizen,
stg.Basis, stg.Accompany, stg.mig_filename,stg.mig_insert_dt,stg.mig_modified_dt,
prod.receipt_number as prod_receipt_number, prod.date_entered as prod_date_entered,
prod.sequence_number as prod_sequence_number
FROM cidr_staging.stg_i864 stg LEFT OUTER JOIN cidrdba.sc_i864 prod
ON coalesce(stg.receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.receipt_number,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.date_entered,'NULL')
AND coalesce(stg.sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(prod.sequence_number,'NULL')
ORDER by stg.mig_seq;

rec1 c1% rowtype;
v_rows int = 0;
v_seq int =0;
v_ErrorCode int;
v_ErrorMsg varchar(512);
v_Module varchar(32) = 'PR_MIG_STG_I864';
v_DDL varchar(10);
v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
v_Dat_Ent cidr_staging.stg_i864.date_entered%type;
v_Seq_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.sequence_number%type;


v_Ret := 0;
for rec1 in c1

--dbms_output.put_line('Processing Receipt_Number ' || rec1.receipt_number);
-- If the PROD_RECEIPT_NUMBER is null, then the record does not exist in the Production table.
if rec1.prod_receipt_number is null then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;

insert into cidrdba.sc_i864 values (
rec1.Service_Center, rec1.Receipt_Number, coalesce(rec1.Date_Entered,''),
rec1.Sequence_Number, rec1.ssn, rec1.a_number, rec1.last_name, rec1.first_name,
rec1.middle_name, rec1.dob, rec1.street_mail, rec1.city_mail, rec1.state_mail,
rec1.zip_mail, rec1.Province_Mail, rec1.Postal_Code_Mail, rec1.Country_Mail,
rec1.Street_Res, rec1.City_Res, rec1.State_Res, rec1.Zip_Res, rec1.Province_Res,
rec1.Postal_Code_Res, rec1.Country_Res, rec1.US_Citizen, rec1.Basis, rec1.Accompany,
rec1.mig_filename, rec1.mig_insert_dt, rec1.mig_modified_dt );
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'INSERT processed ' || v_rows );
end if;
elsif coalesce(rec1.prod_receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL') and
coalesce(rec1.prod_date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL'
) and
coalesce(rec1.prod_sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL') then
v_Rec_Num := rec1.receipt_number;
v_Dat_Ent := rec1.date_entered;
v_Seq_Num := rec1.sequence_number;
update cidrdba.sc_i864 set
SSN = rec1.SSN,
A_Number = rec1.A_Number,
Last_Name = rec1.Last_Name,
First_Name = rec1.First_Name,
Middle_Name = rec1.Middle_Name,
DOB = rec1.DOB,
Street_Mail = rec1.Street_Mail,
City_Mail = rec1.City_Mail,
State_Mail = rec1.State_Mail,
Zip_Mail = rec1.Zip_Mail,
Province_Mail = rec1.Province_Mail,
Postal_Code_Mail = rec1.Postal_Code_Mail,
Country_Mail = rec1.Country_Mail,
Street_Res = rec1.Street_Res,
City_Res = rec1.City_Res,
State_Res = rec1.State_Res,
Zip_Res = rec1.Zip_Res,
Province_Res = rec1.Province_Res,
Postal_Code_Res = rec1.Postal_Code_Res,
Country_Res = rec1.Country_Res,
US_Citizen = rec1.US_Citizen,
Basis = rec1.Basis,
Accompany = rec1.Accompany,
mig_filename = rec1.mig_filename,
mig_modified_dt = current_timestamp
coalesce(receipt_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.receipt_number,'NULL')
coalesce(date_entered,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.date_entered,'NULL') and
coalesce(sequence_number,'NULL') = coalesce(rec1.sequence_number,'NULL'
v_rows := sql%rowcount;
if v_rows != 1 then
v_Ret := 1;
pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'UPDATE processed ' || v_rows || ', expected 1' );
end if;
v_Ret := 1;
PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, 'FAILED to process: ' ||
rec1.Receipt_Number || ', ' || rec1.Date_Entered || ', ' || rec1.Sequence_Number );
end if;
exit when v_Ret != 0 or SQLCODE != 0;
end loop;

if v_Ret = 0 then
v_Ret := SQLCODE;
end if;

when others then
v_ErrorCode := SQLCODE;
v_ErrorMsg := SQLERRM;

if inserting then
v_ddl := 'INSERT';
elsif updating then
v_ddl := 'UPDATE';
v_ddl := 'UNKNOWN';
end if;

PERFORM pr_write_error_log( sys_context('userenv','session_user'),
sys_context('userenv','host'), v_Module,
0, v_ddl || ' encountered FALTAL ERROR: (' || v_ErrorCode || '): ' || v_ErrorMsg );

--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR while ' || v_ddl || ': Encountered (' || v_ErrorCode || ') : ' || v_ErrorMsg );
--dbms_output.put_line('FATAL ERROR: Record ' || nvl(v_Rec_Num,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Dat_Ent,'null') || '~' || nvl(v_Seq_Num,'null') );
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

ERROR: relation "c1" does not exist

CONTEXT: compilation of PL/pgSQL function "PR_MIG_STG_I864" near line 22

SQL state: 42P01

Also, "record" variables are similar to row-type variables. I have tried to use the generic type "record" for rec1. When rec1 as record and the rest of my declaration for v_Rec_Num, v_Dat_Ent, and v_Seq_Num of schema.table_name does not exit.

ERROR: invalid type name "cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type"

LINE 29: v_Rec_Num cidr_staging.stg_i864.receipt_number%type;
SQL state: 42601

Character: 1626

I can’t specify any relation automatically specifies a type called <relation>%rowtype? I appreciate all assistance.


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edited Nov 9 at 17:51




asked Nov 9 at 15:00




  • I resolved the problems. appreciated for all helps very much.
    – Bach-Nga
    Nov 9 at 17:58

  • I resolved the problems. appreciated for all helps very much.
    – Bach-Nga
    Nov 9 at 17:58

I resolved the problems. appreciated for all helps very much.
– Bach-Nga
Nov 9 at 17:58

I resolved the problems. appreciated for all helps very much.
– Bach-Nga
Nov 9 at 17:58




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