tensorflow data api with keras (passing tensors to keras model)

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I am trying to train a pretrained keras model on new data. I came across tensorflow's dataset api and I am trying to use it with my old keras model. I understand that tf data api returns tensors, so the data api as well as model should be part of the same graph and the output of the data api should be connected as input to the model. Here is the code

import tensorflow as tf   
from data_pipeline import ImageDataGenerator
import os
import keras
from keras.engine import InputLayer

###################### to check visible devices ###############
from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

_EPOCHS = 10

def training_pipeline():
# #############
# Load Dataset
# #############
training_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
horizontal_flip=True, vertical_flip=True, rescale=True, normalize=True,
color_jitter=True, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=False).dataset_pipeline()
testing_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
horizontal_flip=False, vertical_flip=False, rescale=False, normalize=True,
color_jitter=False, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=True).dataset_pipeline()

print(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)

iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_structure(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)#((None, 389, 389, 3), (None)))

train_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(training_set)
validation_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(testing_set)

img, labels = iterator.get_next()
img = img.set_shape((None, 389, 389, 3))

model = baseline_model(img, labels) # keras model defined here

for epoch in range(_EPOCHS):

# #############
# Train Model
# #############
steps_per_epoch=1000000 // _BATCH_SIZE,
# validation_steps=11970 // _BATCH_SIZE,
verbose = 1)


loss, acc, cross_entropy = model.evaluate(verbose=1, steps=11970 // 32)
filepath = "./weights/ResNet_16_Best/weights-improvement-Run1-" + str(epoch) + "-" + str(loss) + ".hdf5"
model.save_weights(filepath, overwrite=True)

def baseline_model(input_tensor, labels):
jsonFile = '\\in-pdc-sem2\resnetV4_2Best.json'
weightsFile = '\\in-pdc-sem1\resnetV4_2BestWeightsOnly.hdf5'
with open(jsonFile, "r") as file:
jsonDef = file.read()
from keras.models import model_from_json
model_single = model_from_json(jsonDef)

model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
model_single.compile(target_tensors=[labels], loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='Adam', metrics=[keras.metrics.categorical_accuracy])
return model_single

def callbacks():
tensorboard = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir='./tensorboard', write_grads=False, write_images=False, histogram_freq=0)
callbacks_list = [tensorboard]
return callbacks_list

if __name__ == '__main__':

The "training set" returns image and label tuple, image is a tensor of shape (32, 389, 389, 3), its a batch of 32 images. I verified the shape in a separate script, it is correct. I am defining the input layer of the model using the tensor, and target tensors in the model.compile part.

This is what the model.summary output looks like:

Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
input_1 (InputLayer) (None, 389, 389, 3) 0
conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 383, 383, 13) 1924 input_1[0][0]
bn_conv1 (BatchNormalization) (None, 383, 383, 13) 52 conv1[0][0]
activation_1 (Activation) (None, 383, 383, 13) 0 bn_conv1[0][0]
max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 191, 191, 13) 0 activation_1[0][0]
res2a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 56 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
bn2a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2a[0][0]
activation_2 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2a[0][0]
res2a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 148 activation_2[0][0]
bn2a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2b[0][0]
activation_3 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2b[0][0]
res2a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_3[0][0]
res2a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 112 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
bn2a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch2c[0][0]
bn2a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch1[0][0]
add_1 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2a_branch2c[0][0]
activation_4 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 add_1[0][0]
bn2b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 activation_4[0][0]
activation_5 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2b_branch2a[0][0]
res2b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_5[0][0]
bn2b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2b_branch2b[0][0]
activation_6 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2b_branch2b[0][0]
res2b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_6[0][0]
add_2 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2b_branch2c[0][0]
bn2c_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 add_2[0][0]
activation_7 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2c_branch2a[0][0]
res2c_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_7[0][0]
bn2c_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2c_branch2b[0][0]
activation_8 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2c_branch2b[0][0]
res2c_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_8[0][0]
add_3 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2c_branch2c[0][0]
res3a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 72 add_3[0][0]
bn3a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2a[0][0]
activation_9 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2a[0][0]
res3a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 584 activation_9[0][0]
bn3a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2b[0][0]
activation_10 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2b[0][0]
res3a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_10[0][0]
res3a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 add_3[0][0]
bn3a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch2c[0][0]
bn3a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch1[0][0]
add_4 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3a_branch2c[0][0]
activation_11 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 add_4[0][0]
bn3b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 activation_11[0][0]
activation_12 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3b_branch2a[0][0]
res3b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 1160 activation_12[0][0]
bn3b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3b_branch2b[0][0]
activation_13 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3b_branch2b[0][0]
res3b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_13[0][0]
add_5 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 res3b_branch2c[0][0]
res4a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 272 add_5[0][0]
bn4a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2a[0][0]
activation_14 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2a[0][0]
res4a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 2320 activation_14[0][0]
bn4a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2b[0][0]
activation_15 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2b[0][0]
res4a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_15[0][0]
res4a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 add_5[0][0]
bn4a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch2c[0][0]
bn4a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch1[0][0]
add_6 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4a_branch2c[0][0]
activation_16 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 add_6[0][0]
bn4b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 activation_16[0][0]
activation_17 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4b_branch2a[0][0]
res4b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 9232 activation_17[0][0]
bn4b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4b_branch2b[0][0]
activation_18 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4b_branch2b[0][0]
res4b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_18[0][0]
add_7 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 res4b_branch2c[0][0]
res5a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 2080 add_7[0][0]
bn5a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2a[0][0]
activation_19 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2a[0][0]
res5a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 9248 activation_19[0][0]
bn5a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2b[0][0]
activation_20 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2b[0][0]
res5a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 4224 activation_20[0][0]
res5a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 8320 add_7[0][0]
bn5a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch2c[0][0]
bn5a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch1[0][0]
add_8 (Add) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 bn5a_branch2c[0][0]
activation_21 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 add_8[0][0]
res6a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 8256 activation_21[0][0]
bn6a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2a[0][0]
activation_22 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2a[0][0]
res6a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 36928 activation_22[0][0]
bn6a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2b[0][0]
activation_23 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2b[0][0]
res6a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 33280 activation_23[0][0]
res6a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 66048 activation_21[0][0]
bn6a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch2c[0][0]
bn6a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch1[0][0]
add_9 (Add) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 bn6a_branch2c[0][0]
activation_24 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 add_9[0][0]
avg_pool (GlobalAveragePooling2 (None, 512) 0 activation_24[0][0]
dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 512) 0 avg_pool[0][0]
FC1 (Dense) (None, 1) 513 dropout_1[0][0]
activation_25 (Activation) (None, 1) 0 FC1[0][0]
Total params: 196,557
Trainable params: 192,867
Non-trainable params: 3,690

Everything looks correct. However When I run the code, I get the following error:

Epoch 1/1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 114, in <module>
File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 71, in training_pipeline
verbose = 1)
File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1705, in fit
File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1188, in _fit_loop
outs = f(ins)
File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasbackendtensorflow_backend.py", line 2478, in __call__
File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 900, in run
File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 1111, in _run
ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor 'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 389, 389, 3)'

It doesn't make any sense. I even added the set_shape function before defining the model, and it still shows empty shape. Any help will be really appreciated. Thank you.

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    up vote
    down vote


    I am trying to train a pretrained keras model on new data. I came across tensorflow's dataset api and I am trying to use it with my old keras model. I understand that tf data api returns tensors, so the data api as well as model should be part of the same graph and the output of the data api should be connected as input to the model. Here is the code

    import tensorflow as tf   
    from data_pipeline import ImageDataGenerator
    import os
    import keras
    from keras.engine import InputLayer

    ###################### to check visible devices ###############
    from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

    _EPOCHS = 10
    _NUM_CLASSES = 2
    _BATCH_SIZE = 32

    def training_pipeline():
    # #############
    # Load Dataset
    # #############
    training_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
    horizontal_flip=True, vertical_flip=True, rescale=True, normalize=True,
    color_jitter=True, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
    num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=False).dataset_pipeline()
    testing_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
    horizontal_flip=False, vertical_flip=False, rescale=False, normalize=True,
    color_jitter=False, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
    num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=True).dataset_pipeline()

    print(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)

    iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_structure(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)#((None, 389, 389, 3), (None)))

    train_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(training_set)
    validation_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(testing_set)

    img, labels = iterator.get_next()
    img = img.set_shape((None, 389, 389, 3))

    model = baseline_model(img, labels) # keras model defined here

    for epoch in range(_EPOCHS):

    # #############
    # Train Model
    # #############
    steps_per_epoch=1000000 // _BATCH_SIZE,
    # validation_steps=11970 // _BATCH_SIZE,
    verbose = 1)


    loss, acc, cross_entropy = model.evaluate(verbose=1, steps=11970 // 32)
    filepath = "./weights/ResNet_16_Best/weights-improvement-Run1-" + str(epoch) + "-" + str(loss) + ".hdf5"
    model.save_weights(filepath, overwrite=True)

    def baseline_model(input_tensor, labels):
    jsonFile = '\\in-pdc-sem2\resnetV4_2Best.json'
    weightsFile = '\\in-pdc-sem1\resnetV4_2BestWeightsOnly.hdf5'
    with open(jsonFile, "r") as file:
    jsonDef = file.read()
    from keras.models import model_from_json
    model_single = model_from_json(jsonDef)

    model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
    model_single.compile(target_tensors=[labels], loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='Adam', metrics=[keras.metrics.categorical_accuracy])
    return model_single

    def callbacks():
    tensorboard = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir='./tensorboard', write_grads=False, write_images=False, histogram_freq=0)
    callbacks_list = [tensorboard]
    return callbacks_list

    if __name__ == '__main__':

    The "training set" returns image and label tuple, image is a tensor of shape (32, 389, 389, 3), its a batch of 32 images. I verified the shape in a separate script, it is correct. I am defining the input layer of the model using the tensor, and target tensors in the model.compile part.

    This is what the model.summary output looks like:

    Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
    input_1 (InputLayer) (None, 389, 389, 3) 0
    conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 383, 383, 13) 1924 input_1[0][0]
    bn_conv1 (BatchNormalization) (None, 383, 383, 13) 52 conv1[0][0]
    activation_1 (Activation) (None, 383, 383, 13) 0 bn_conv1[0][0]
    max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 191, 191, 13) 0 activation_1[0][0]
    res2a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 56 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
    bn2a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2a[0][0]
    activation_2 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2a[0][0]
    res2a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 148 activation_2[0][0]
    bn2a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_3 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2b[0][0]
    res2a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_3[0][0]
    res2a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 112 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
    bn2a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch2c[0][0]
    bn2a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch1[0][0]
    add_1 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2a_branch2c[0][0]
    activation_4 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 add_1[0][0]
    bn2b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 activation_4[0][0]
    activation_5 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2b_branch2a[0][0]
    res2b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_5[0][0]
    bn2b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2b_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_6 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2b_branch2b[0][0]
    res2b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_6[0][0]
    add_2 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2b_branch2c[0][0]
    bn2c_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 add_2[0][0]
    activation_7 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2c_branch2a[0][0]
    res2c_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_7[0][0]
    bn2c_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2c_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_8 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2c_branch2b[0][0]
    res2c_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_8[0][0]
    add_3 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2c_branch2c[0][0]
    res3a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 72 add_3[0][0]
    bn3a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2a[0][0]
    activation_9 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2a[0][0]
    res3a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 584 activation_9[0][0]
    bn3a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_10 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2b[0][0]
    res3a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_10[0][0]
    res3a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 add_3[0][0]
    bn3a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch2c[0][0]
    bn3a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch1[0][0]
    add_4 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3a_branch2c[0][0]
    activation_11 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 add_4[0][0]
    bn3b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 activation_11[0][0]
    activation_12 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3b_branch2a[0][0]
    res3b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 1160 activation_12[0][0]
    bn3b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3b_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_13 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3b_branch2b[0][0]
    res3b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_13[0][0]
    add_5 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 res3b_branch2c[0][0]
    res4a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 272 add_5[0][0]
    bn4a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2a[0][0]
    activation_14 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2a[0][0]
    res4a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 2320 activation_14[0][0]
    bn4a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_15 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2b[0][0]
    res4a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_15[0][0]
    res4a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 add_5[0][0]
    bn4a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch2c[0][0]
    bn4a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch1[0][0]
    add_6 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4a_branch2c[0][0]
    activation_16 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 add_6[0][0]
    bn4b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 activation_16[0][0]
    activation_17 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4b_branch2a[0][0]
    res4b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 9232 activation_17[0][0]
    bn4b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4b_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_18 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4b_branch2b[0][0]
    res4b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_18[0][0]
    add_7 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 res4b_branch2c[0][0]
    res5a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 2080 add_7[0][0]
    bn5a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2a[0][0]
    activation_19 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2a[0][0]
    res5a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 9248 activation_19[0][0]
    bn5a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_20 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2b[0][0]
    res5a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 4224 activation_20[0][0]
    res5a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 8320 add_7[0][0]
    bn5a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch2c[0][0]
    bn5a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch1[0][0]
    add_8 (Add) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 bn5a_branch2c[0][0]
    activation_21 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 add_8[0][0]
    res6a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 8256 activation_21[0][0]
    bn6a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2a[0][0]
    activation_22 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2a[0][0]
    res6a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 36928 activation_22[0][0]
    bn6a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2b[0][0]
    activation_23 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2b[0][0]
    res6a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 33280 activation_23[0][0]
    res6a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 66048 activation_21[0][0]
    bn6a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch2c[0][0]
    bn6a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch1[0][0]
    add_9 (Add) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 bn6a_branch2c[0][0]
    activation_24 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 add_9[0][0]
    avg_pool (GlobalAveragePooling2 (None, 512) 0 activation_24[0][0]
    dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 512) 0 avg_pool[0][0]
    FC1 (Dense) (None, 1) 513 dropout_1[0][0]
    activation_25 (Activation) (None, 1) 0 FC1[0][0]
    Total params: 196,557
    Trainable params: 192,867
    Non-trainable params: 3,690

    Everything looks correct. However When I run the code, I get the following error:

    Epoch 1/1
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 114, in <module>
    File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 71, in training_pipeline
    verbose = 1)
    File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1705, in fit
    File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1188, in _fit_loop
    outs = f(ins)
    File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasbackendtensorflow_backend.py", line 2478, in __call__
    File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 900, in run
    File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 1111, in _run
    ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor 'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 389, 389, 3)'

    It doesn't make any sense. I even added the set_shape function before defining the model, and it still shows empty shape. Any help will be really appreciated. Thank you.

    share|improve this question

      up vote
      down vote


      up vote
      down vote



      I am trying to train a pretrained keras model on new data. I came across tensorflow's dataset api and I am trying to use it with my old keras model. I understand that tf data api returns tensors, so the data api as well as model should be part of the same graph and the output of the data api should be connected as input to the model. Here is the code

      import tensorflow as tf   
      from data_pipeline import ImageDataGenerator
      import os
      import keras
      from keras.engine import InputLayer

      ###################### to check visible devices ###############
      from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

      _EPOCHS = 10
      _NUM_CLASSES = 2
      _BATCH_SIZE = 32

      def training_pipeline():
      # #############
      # Load Dataset
      # #############
      training_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
      horizontal_flip=True, vertical_flip=True, rescale=True, normalize=True,
      color_jitter=True, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
      num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=False).dataset_pipeline()
      testing_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
      horizontal_flip=False, vertical_flip=False, rescale=False, normalize=True,
      color_jitter=False, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
      num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=True).dataset_pipeline()

      print(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)

      iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_structure(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)#((None, 389, 389, 3), (None)))

      train_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(training_set)
      validation_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(testing_set)

      img, labels = iterator.get_next()
      img = img.set_shape((None, 389, 389, 3))

      model = baseline_model(img, labels) # keras model defined here

      for epoch in range(_EPOCHS):

      # #############
      # Train Model
      # #############
      steps_per_epoch=1000000 // _BATCH_SIZE,
      # validation_steps=11970 // _BATCH_SIZE,
      verbose = 1)


      loss, acc, cross_entropy = model.evaluate(verbose=1, steps=11970 // 32)
      filepath = "./weights/ResNet_16_Best/weights-improvement-Run1-" + str(epoch) + "-" + str(loss) + ".hdf5"
      model.save_weights(filepath, overwrite=True)

      def baseline_model(input_tensor, labels):
      jsonFile = '\\in-pdc-sem2\resnetV4_2Best.json'
      weightsFile = '\\in-pdc-sem1\resnetV4_2BestWeightsOnly.hdf5'
      with open(jsonFile, "r") as file:
      jsonDef = file.read()
      from keras.models import model_from_json
      model_single = model_from_json(jsonDef)

      model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
      model_single.compile(target_tensors=[labels], loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='Adam', metrics=[keras.metrics.categorical_accuracy])
      return model_single

      def callbacks():
      tensorboard = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir='./tensorboard', write_grads=False, write_images=False, histogram_freq=0)
      callbacks_list = [tensorboard]
      return callbacks_list

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      The "training set" returns image and label tuple, image is a tensor of shape (32, 389, 389, 3), its a batch of 32 images. I verified the shape in a separate script, it is correct. I am defining the input layer of the model using the tensor, and target tensors in the model.compile part.

      This is what the model.summary output looks like:

      Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
      input_1 (InputLayer) (None, 389, 389, 3) 0
      conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 383, 383, 13) 1924 input_1[0][0]
      bn_conv1 (BatchNormalization) (None, 383, 383, 13) 52 conv1[0][0]
      activation_1 (Activation) (None, 383, 383, 13) 0 bn_conv1[0][0]
      max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 191, 191, 13) 0 activation_1[0][0]
      res2a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 56 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
      bn2a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_2 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2a[0][0]
      res2a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 148 activation_2[0][0]
      bn2a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_3 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2b[0][0]
      res2a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_3[0][0]
      res2a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 112 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
      bn2a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn2a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch1[0][0]
      add_1 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_4 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 add_1[0][0]
      bn2b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 activation_4[0][0]
      activation_5 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2b_branch2a[0][0]
      res2b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_5[0][0]
      bn2b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2b_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_6 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2b_branch2b[0][0]
      res2b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_6[0][0]
      add_2 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2b_branch2c[0][0]
      bn2c_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 add_2[0][0]
      activation_7 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2c_branch2a[0][0]
      res2c_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_7[0][0]
      bn2c_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2c_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_8 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2c_branch2b[0][0]
      res2c_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_8[0][0]
      add_3 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2c_branch2c[0][0]
      res3a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 72 add_3[0][0]
      bn3a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_9 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2a[0][0]
      res3a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 584 activation_9[0][0]
      bn3a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_10 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2b[0][0]
      res3a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_10[0][0]
      res3a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 add_3[0][0]
      bn3a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn3a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch1[0][0]
      add_4 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_11 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 add_4[0][0]
      bn3b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 activation_11[0][0]
      activation_12 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3b_branch2a[0][0]
      res3b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 1160 activation_12[0][0]
      bn3b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3b_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_13 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3b_branch2b[0][0]
      res3b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_13[0][0]
      add_5 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 res3b_branch2c[0][0]
      res4a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 272 add_5[0][0]
      bn4a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_14 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2a[0][0]
      res4a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 2320 activation_14[0][0]
      bn4a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_15 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2b[0][0]
      res4a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_15[0][0]
      res4a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 add_5[0][0]
      bn4a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn4a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch1[0][0]
      add_6 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_16 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 add_6[0][0]
      bn4b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 activation_16[0][0]
      activation_17 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4b_branch2a[0][0]
      res4b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 9232 activation_17[0][0]
      bn4b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4b_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_18 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4b_branch2b[0][0]
      res4b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_18[0][0]
      add_7 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 res4b_branch2c[0][0]
      res5a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 2080 add_7[0][0]
      bn5a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_19 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2a[0][0]
      res5a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 9248 activation_19[0][0]
      bn5a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_20 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2b[0][0]
      res5a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 4224 activation_20[0][0]
      res5a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 8320 add_7[0][0]
      bn5a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn5a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch1[0][0]
      add_8 (Add) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 bn5a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_21 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 add_8[0][0]
      res6a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 8256 activation_21[0][0]
      bn6a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_22 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2a[0][0]
      res6a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 36928 activation_22[0][0]
      bn6a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_23 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2b[0][0]
      res6a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 33280 activation_23[0][0]
      res6a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 66048 activation_21[0][0]
      bn6a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn6a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch1[0][0]
      add_9 (Add) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 bn6a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_24 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 add_9[0][0]
      avg_pool (GlobalAveragePooling2 (None, 512) 0 activation_24[0][0]
      dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 512) 0 avg_pool[0][0]
      FC1 (Dense) (None, 1) 513 dropout_1[0][0]
      activation_25 (Activation) (None, 1) 0 FC1[0][0]
      Total params: 196,557
      Trainable params: 192,867
      Non-trainable params: 3,690

      Everything looks correct. However When I run the code, I get the following error:

      Epoch 1/1
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 114, in <module>
      File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 71, in training_pipeline
      verbose = 1)
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1705, in fit
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1188, in _fit_loop
      outs = f(ins)
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasbackendtensorflow_backend.py", line 2478, in __call__
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 900, in run
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 1111, in _run
      ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor 'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 389, 389, 3)'

      It doesn't make any sense. I even added the set_shape function before defining the model, and it still shows empty shape. Any help will be really appreciated. Thank you.

      share|improve this question

      I am trying to train a pretrained keras model on new data. I came across tensorflow's dataset api and I am trying to use it with my old keras model. I understand that tf data api returns tensors, so the data api as well as model should be part of the same graph and the output of the data api should be connected as input to the model. Here is the code

      import tensorflow as tf   
      from data_pipeline import ImageDataGenerator
      import os
      import keras
      from keras.engine import InputLayer

      ###################### to check visible devices ###############
      from tensorflow.python.client import device_lib

      _EPOCHS = 10
      _NUM_CLASSES = 2
      _BATCH_SIZE = 32

      def training_pipeline():
      # #############
      # Load Dataset
      # #############
      training_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
      horizontal_flip=True, vertical_flip=True, rescale=True, normalize=True,
      color_jitter=True, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
      num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=False).dataset_pipeline()
      testing_set = ImageDataGenerator(directory="\\in-pdc-sem2\training",
      horizontal_flip=False, vertical_flip=False, rescale=False, normalize=True,
      color_jitter=False, batch_size=_BATCH_SIZE,
      num_cpus=8, epochs=60, output_patch_size=389, validation=True).dataset_pipeline()

      print(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)

      iterator = tf.data.Iterator.from_structure(training_set.output_types, training_set.output_shapes)#((None, 389, 389, 3), (None)))

      train_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(training_set)
      validation_initializer = iterator.make_initializer(testing_set)

      img, labels = iterator.get_next()
      img = img.set_shape((None, 389, 389, 3))

      model = baseline_model(img, labels) # keras model defined here

      for epoch in range(_EPOCHS):

      # #############
      # Train Model
      # #############
      steps_per_epoch=1000000 // _BATCH_SIZE,
      # validation_steps=11970 // _BATCH_SIZE,
      verbose = 1)


      loss, acc, cross_entropy = model.evaluate(verbose=1, steps=11970 // 32)
      filepath = "./weights/ResNet_16_Best/weights-improvement-Run1-" + str(epoch) + "-" + str(loss) + ".hdf5"
      model.save_weights(filepath, overwrite=True)

      def baseline_model(input_tensor, labels):
      jsonFile = '\\in-pdc-sem2\resnetV4_2Best.json'
      weightsFile = '\\in-pdc-sem1\resnetV4_2BestWeightsOnly.hdf5'
      with open(jsonFile, "r") as file:
      jsonDef = file.read()
      from keras.models import model_from_json
      model_single = model_from_json(jsonDef)

      model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
      model_single.compile(target_tensors=[labels], loss='categorical_crossentropy', optimizer='Adam', metrics=[keras.metrics.categorical_accuracy])
      return model_single

      def callbacks():
      tensorboard = keras.callbacks.TensorBoard(log_dir='./tensorboard', write_grads=False, write_images=False, histogram_freq=0)
      callbacks_list = [tensorboard]
      return callbacks_list

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      The "training set" returns image and label tuple, image is a tensor of shape (32, 389, 389, 3), its a batch of 32 images. I verified the shape in a separate script, it is correct. I am defining the input layer of the model using the tensor, and target tensors in the model.compile part.

      This is what the model.summary output looks like:

      Layer (type)                    Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
      input_1 (InputLayer) (None, 389, 389, 3) 0
      conv1 (Conv2D) (None, 383, 383, 13) 1924 input_1[0][0]
      bn_conv1 (BatchNormalization) (None, 383, 383, 13) 52 conv1[0][0]
      activation_1 (Activation) (None, 383, 383, 13) 0 bn_conv1[0][0]
      max_pooling2d_1 (MaxPooling2D) (None, 191, 191, 13) 0 activation_1[0][0]
      res2a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 56 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
      bn2a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_2 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2a[0][0]
      res2a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 148 activation_2[0][0]
      bn2a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_3 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2a_branch2b[0][0]
      res2a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_3[0][0]
      res2a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 112 max_pooling2d_1[0][0]
      bn2a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn2a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 res2a_branch1[0][0]
      add_1 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_4 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 add_1[0][0]
      bn2b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 activation_4[0][0]
      activation_5 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2b_branch2a[0][0]
      res2b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_5[0][0]
      bn2b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2b_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_6 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2b_branch2b[0][0]
      res2b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_6[0][0]
      add_2 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2b_branch2c[0][0]
      bn2c_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 8) 32 add_2[0][0]
      activation_7 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 bn2c_branch2a[0][0]
      res2c_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 4) 292 activation_7[0][0]
      bn2c_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 191, 191, 4) 16 res2c_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_8 (Activation) (None, 191, 191, 4) 0 bn2c_branch2b[0][0]
      res2c_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 191, 191, 8) 40 activation_8[0][0]
      add_3 (Add) (None, 191, 191, 8) 0 res2c_branch2c[0][0]
      res3a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 72 add_3[0][0]
      bn3a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_9 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2a[0][0]
      res3a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 584 activation_9[0][0]
      bn3a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_10 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3a_branch2b[0][0]
      res3a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_10[0][0]
      res3a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 add_3[0][0]
      bn3a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn3a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 res3a_branch1[0][0]
      add_4 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_11 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 add_4[0][0]
      bn3b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 16) 64 activation_11[0][0]
      activation_12 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 bn3b_branch2a[0][0]
      res3b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 8) 1160 activation_12[0][0]
      bn3b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 96, 96, 8) 32 res3b_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_13 (Activation) (None, 96, 96, 8) 0 bn3b_branch2b[0][0]
      res3b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 96, 96, 16) 144 activation_13[0][0]
      add_5 (Add) (None, 96, 96, 16) 0 res3b_branch2c[0][0]
      res4a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 272 add_5[0][0]
      bn4a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_14 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2a[0][0]
      res4a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 2320 activation_14[0][0]
      bn4a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_15 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4a_branch2b[0][0]
      res4a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_15[0][0]
      res4a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 add_5[0][0]
      bn4a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn4a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 res4a_branch1[0][0]
      add_6 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_16 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 add_6[0][0]
      bn4b_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 64) 256 activation_16[0][0]
      activation_17 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 bn4b_branch2a[0][0]
      res4b_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 16) 9232 activation_17[0][0]
      bn4b_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 48, 48, 16) 64 res4b_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_18 (Activation) (None, 48, 48, 16) 0 bn4b_branch2b[0][0]
      res4b_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 48, 48, 64) 1088 activation_18[0][0]
      add_7 (Add) (None, 48, 48, 64) 0 res4b_branch2c[0][0]
      res5a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 2080 add_7[0][0]
      bn5a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_19 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2a[0][0]
      res5a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 32) 9248 activation_19[0][0]
      bn5a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 32) 128 res5a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_20 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 32) 0 bn5a_branch2b[0][0]
      res5a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 4224 activation_20[0][0]
      res5a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 24, 24, 128) 8320 add_7[0][0]
      bn5a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn5a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 24, 24, 128) 512 res5a_branch1[0][0]
      add_8 (Add) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 bn5a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_21 (Activation) (None, 24, 24, 128) 0 add_8[0][0]
      res6a_branch2a (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 8256 activation_21[0][0]
      bn6a_branch2a (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2a[0][0]
      activation_22 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2a[0][0]
      res6a_branch2b (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 64) 36928 activation_22[0][0]
      bn6a_branch2b (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 64) 256 res6a_branch2b[0][0]
      activation_23 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 64) 0 bn6a_branch2b[0][0]
      res6a_branch2c (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 33280 activation_23[0][0]
      res6a_branch1 (Conv2D) (None, 12, 12, 512) 66048 activation_21[0][0]
      bn6a_branch2c (BatchNormalizati (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch2c[0][0]
      bn6a_branch1 (BatchNormalizatio (None, 12, 12, 512) 2048 res6a_branch1[0][0]
      add_9 (Add) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 bn6a_branch2c[0][0]
      activation_24 (Activation) (None, 12, 12, 512) 0 add_9[0][0]
      avg_pool (GlobalAveragePooling2 (None, 512) 0 activation_24[0][0]
      dropout_1 (Dropout) (None, 512) 0 avg_pool[0][0]
      FC1 (Dense) (None, 1) 513 dropout_1[0][0]
      activation_25 (Activation) (None, 1) 0 FC1[0][0]
      Total params: 196,557
      Trainable params: 192,867
      Non-trainable params: 3,690

      Everything looks correct. However When I run the code, I get the following error:

      Epoch 1/1
      Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 114, in <module>
      File "C:/Users/ASista162282/Desktop/code/camleyon_17/train.py", line 71, in training_pipeline
      verbose = 1)
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1705, in fit
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasenginetraining.py", line 1188, in _fit_loop
      outs = f(ins)
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packageskerasbackendtensorflow_backend.py", line 2478, in __call__
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 900, in run
      File "C:ProgramDataMiniconda3libsite-packagestensorflowpythonclientsession.py", line 1111, in _run
      ValueError: Cannot feed value of shape () for Tensor 'input_1:0', which has shape '(?, 389, 389, 3)'

      It doesn't make any sense. I even added the set_shape function before defining the model, and it still shows empty shape. Any help will be really appreciated. Thank you.

      tensorflow keras tensorflow-datasets

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 12 at 10:47

      asked Nov 12 at 10:27

      aditya sista



          1 Answer




          up vote
          down vote

          The way you are replacing the input layer doesn't seem to connect the new layer correctly. Try replacing this:

          model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))

          with this:

          from keras.models import Model
          new_input = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
          new_output = model_single(new_input)
          model_single = Model(new_input, new_output)

          share|improve this answer

          • I did that, I am getting the following error: ValueError: Layer resnetV4.2 was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'keras.engine.topology.InputLayer'>
            – aditya sista
            Nov 13 at 7:19

          • I added another line to my answer (see line model_single.layers.pop(0)) to remove the old input layer that was missing in my original post. This might do it now
            – Tadej Magajna
            Nov 13 at 9:58

          • 1

            That didnt work either. But for some reason using keras.layers.Input worked, rather than InputLayer. No idea why.
            – aditya sista
            Nov 25 at 21:11

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          1 Answer




          1 Answer










          up vote
          down vote

          The way you are replacing the input layer doesn't seem to connect the new layer correctly. Try replacing this:

          model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))

          with this:

          from keras.models import Model
          new_input = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
          new_output = model_single(new_input)
          model_single = Model(new_input, new_output)

          share|improve this answer

          • I did that, I am getting the following error: ValueError: Layer resnetV4.2 was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'keras.engine.topology.InputLayer'>
            – aditya sista
            Nov 13 at 7:19

          • I added another line to my answer (see line model_single.layers.pop(0)) to remove the old input layer that was missing in my original post. This might do it now
            – Tadej Magajna
            Nov 13 at 9:58

          • 1

            That didnt work either. But for some reason using keras.layers.Input worked, rather than InputLayer. No idea why.
            – aditya sista
            Nov 25 at 21:11

          up vote
          down vote

          The way you are replacing the input layer doesn't seem to connect the new layer correctly. Try replacing this:

          model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))

          with this:

          from keras.models import Model
          new_input = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
          new_output = model_single(new_input)
          model_single = Model(new_input, new_output)

          share|improve this answer

          • I did that, I am getting the following error: ValueError: Layer resnetV4.2 was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'keras.engine.topology.InputLayer'>
            – aditya sista
            Nov 13 at 7:19

          • I added another line to my answer (see line model_single.layers.pop(0)) to remove the old input layer that was missing in my original post. This might do it now
            – Tadej Magajna
            Nov 13 at 9:58

          • 1

            That didnt work either. But for some reason using keras.layers.Input worked, rather than InputLayer. No idea why.
            – aditya sista
            Nov 25 at 21:11

          up vote
          down vote

          up vote
          down vote

          The way you are replacing the input layer doesn't seem to connect the new layer correctly. Try replacing this:

          model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))

          with this:

          from keras.models import Model
          new_input = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
          new_output = model_single(new_input)
          model_single = Model(new_input, new_output)

          share|improve this answer

          The way you are replacing the input layer doesn't seem to connect the new layer correctly. Try replacing this:

          model_single.layers[0] = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))

          with this:

          from keras.models import Model
          new_input = InputLayer(input_tensor=input_tensor, input_shape=(389, 389, 3))
          new_output = model_single(new_input)
          model_single = Model(new_input, new_output)

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Nov 13 at 9:56

          answered Nov 12 at 13:18

          Tadej Magajna



          • I did that, I am getting the following error: ValueError: Layer resnetV4.2 was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'keras.engine.topology.InputLayer'>
            – aditya sista
            Nov 13 at 7:19

          • I added another line to my answer (see line model_single.layers.pop(0)) to remove the old input layer that was missing in my original post. This might do it now
            – Tadej Magajna
            Nov 13 at 9:58

          • 1

            That didnt work either. But for some reason using keras.layers.Input worked, rather than InputLayer. No idea why.
            – aditya sista
            Nov 25 at 21:11

          • I did that, I am getting the following error: ValueError: Layer resnetV4.2 was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'keras.engine.topology.InputLayer'>
            – aditya sista
            Nov 13 at 7:19

          • I added another line to my answer (see line model_single.layers.pop(0)) to remove the old input layer that was missing in my original post. This might do it now
            – Tadej Magajna
            Nov 13 at 9:58

          • 1

            That didnt work either. But for some reason using keras.layers.Input worked, rather than InputLayer. No idea why.
            – aditya sista
            Nov 25 at 21:11

          I did that, I am getting the following error: ValueError: Layer resnetV4.2 was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'keras.engine.topology.InputLayer'>
          – aditya sista
          Nov 13 at 7:19

          I did that, I am getting the following error: ValueError: Layer resnetV4.2 was called with an input that isn't a symbolic tensor. Received type: <class 'keras.engine.topology.InputLayer'>
          – aditya sista
          Nov 13 at 7:19

          I added another line to my answer (see line model_single.layers.pop(0)) to remove the old input layer that was missing in my original post. This might do it now
          – Tadej Magajna
          Nov 13 at 9:58

          I added another line to my answer (see line model_single.layers.pop(0)) to remove the old input layer that was missing in my original post. This might do it now
          – Tadej Magajna
          Nov 13 at 9:58



          That didnt work either. But for some reason using keras.layers.Input worked, rather than InputLayer. No idea why.
          – aditya sista
          Nov 25 at 21:11

          That didnt work either. But for some reason using keras.layers.Input worked, rather than InputLayer. No idea why.
          – aditya sista
          Nov 25 at 21:11

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