Twitter Streaming API - urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection broken: IncompleteRead


Running a python script using tweepy which streams (using the twitter streaming API) in a random sample of english tweets, for a minute and then alternates to searching (using the twitter searching API) for a minute and then returns. Issue I've found is that after about 40+ seconds the streaming crashes and gives the following error:

Full Error:

urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection broken:
IncompleteRead(0 bytes read)', IncompleteRead(0 bytes read))

The amount of bytes read can vary from 0 to well in the 1000's.

The first time this is seen the streaming cuts out prematurely and the search function starts early, after the search function is done it comes back to the stream once again and on the second recurrence of this error the code crashes.

The code I'm running is:

# Handles date time calculation
def calculateTweetDateTime(tweet):
tweetDateTime = str(tweet.created_at)

tweetDateTime = ciso8601.parse_datetime(tweetDateTime)
return tweetDateTime

# Checks to see whether that permitted time has past.
def hasTimeThresholdPast():
global startTime
if time.clock() - startTime > 60:
return True
return False

#override tweepy.StreamListener to add logic to on_status
class StreamListener(StreamListener):

def on_status(self, tweet):
if hasTimeThresholdPast():
return False

if hasattr(tweet, 'lang'):
if tweet.lang == 'en':

tweetText = tweet.extended_tweet["full_text"]
except AttributeError:
tweetText = tweet.text

tweetDateTime = calculateTweetDateTime(tweet)

entityList = DataProcessing.identifyEntities(True, tweetText)
DataStorage.storeHotTerm(entityList, tweetDateTime)

def on_error(self, status_code):
def on_error(self, status_code):
if status_code == 420:
# returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
return False

def startTwitterStream():

searchTerms =

myStreamListener = StreamListener()
twitterStream = Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=StreamListener())
global geoGatheringTag
if geoGatheringTag == False:
twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an'], async=True, stall_warnings=True)

if geoGatheringTag == True:
twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an', 'they're'],
async=False, locations=[-4.5091, 55.7562, -3.9814, 55.9563], stall_warnings=True)

# ----------------------- Twitter API Functions ------------------------
# --------------------------- Main Function ----------------------------

startTime = 0

def main():
global startTime
userInput = ""
while userInput != "-1":
userInput = input("Type ACTiVATE to activate the Crawler, or DATABASE to access data analytic option (-1 to exit): n")
if userInput.lower() == 'activate':
startTime = time.clock()


startTime = time.clock()

if __name__ == '__main__':

I've trimmed out the search function, and database handling aspects given they're seperate and to avoid cluttering up the code.

If anyone has any ideas why this is happening and how I might solve it please let me know, I'd be curious on any insight.

Solutions I have tried:

Try/Except block with the http.client.IncompleteRead:

As per Error-while-fetching-tweets-with-tweepy

Setting Stall_Warning = to True:

As per Incompleteread-error-when-retrieving-twitter-data-using-python

Removing the english language filter.

share|improve this question


    Running a python script using tweepy which streams (using the twitter streaming API) in a random sample of english tweets, for a minute and then alternates to searching (using the twitter searching API) for a minute and then returns. Issue I've found is that after about 40+ seconds the streaming crashes and gives the following error:

    Full Error:

    urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection broken:
    IncompleteRead(0 bytes read)', IncompleteRead(0 bytes read))

    The amount of bytes read can vary from 0 to well in the 1000's.

    The first time this is seen the streaming cuts out prematurely and the search function starts early, after the search function is done it comes back to the stream once again and on the second recurrence of this error the code crashes.

    The code I'm running is:

    # Handles date time calculation
    def calculateTweetDateTime(tweet):
    tweetDateTime = str(tweet.created_at)

    tweetDateTime = ciso8601.parse_datetime(tweetDateTime)
    return tweetDateTime

    # Checks to see whether that permitted time has past.
    def hasTimeThresholdPast():
    global startTime
    if time.clock() - startTime > 60:
    return True
    return False

    #override tweepy.StreamListener to add logic to on_status
    class StreamListener(StreamListener):

    def on_status(self, tweet):
    if hasTimeThresholdPast():
    return False

    if hasattr(tweet, 'lang'):
    if tweet.lang == 'en':

    tweetText = tweet.extended_tweet["full_text"]
    except AttributeError:
    tweetText = tweet.text

    tweetDateTime = calculateTweetDateTime(tweet)

    entityList = DataProcessing.identifyEntities(True, tweetText)
    DataStorage.storeHotTerm(entityList, tweetDateTime)

    def on_error(self, status_code):
    def on_error(self, status_code):
    if status_code == 420:
    # returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
    return False

    def startTwitterStream():

    searchTerms =

    myStreamListener = StreamListener()
    twitterStream = Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=StreamListener())
    global geoGatheringTag
    if geoGatheringTag == False:
    twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an'], async=True, stall_warnings=True)

    if geoGatheringTag == True:
    twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an', 'they're'],
    async=False, locations=[-4.5091, 55.7562, -3.9814, 55.9563], stall_warnings=True)

    # ----------------------- Twitter API Functions ------------------------
    # --------------------------- Main Function ----------------------------

    startTime = 0

    def main():
    global startTime
    userInput = ""
    while userInput != "-1":
    userInput = input("Type ACTiVATE to activate the Crawler, or DATABASE to access data analytic option (-1 to exit): n")
    if userInput.lower() == 'activate':
    startTime = time.clock()


    startTime = time.clock()

    if __name__ == '__main__':

    I've trimmed out the search function, and database handling aspects given they're seperate and to avoid cluttering up the code.

    If anyone has any ideas why this is happening and how I might solve it please let me know, I'd be curious on any insight.

    Solutions I have tried:

    Try/Except block with the http.client.IncompleteRead:

    As per Error-while-fetching-tweets-with-tweepy

    Setting Stall_Warning = to True:

    As per Incompleteread-error-when-retrieving-twitter-data-using-python

    Removing the english language filter.

    share|improve this question





      Running a python script using tweepy which streams (using the twitter streaming API) in a random sample of english tweets, for a minute and then alternates to searching (using the twitter searching API) for a minute and then returns. Issue I've found is that after about 40+ seconds the streaming crashes and gives the following error:

      Full Error:

      urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection broken:
      IncompleteRead(0 bytes read)', IncompleteRead(0 bytes read))

      The amount of bytes read can vary from 0 to well in the 1000's.

      The first time this is seen the streaming cuts out prematurely and the search function starts early, after the search function is done it comes back to the stream once again and on the second recurrence of this error the code crashes.

      The code I'm running is:

      # Handles date time calculation
      def calculateTweetDateTime(tweet):
      tweetDateTime = str(tweet.created_at)

      tweetDateTime = ciso8601.parse_datetime(tweetDateTime)
      return tweetDateTime

      # Checks to see whether that permitted time has past.
      def hasTimeThresholdPast():
      global startTime
      if time.clock() - startTime > 60:
      return True
      return False

      #override tweepy.StreamListener to add logic to on_status
      class StreamListener(StreamListener):

      def on_status(self, tweet):
      if hasTimeThresholdPast():
      return False

      if hasattr(tweet, 'lang'):
      if tweet.lang == 'en':

      tweetText = tweet.extended_tweet["full_text"]
      except AttributeError:
      tweetText = tweet.text

      tweetDateTime = calculateTweetDateTime(tweet)

      entityList = DataProcessing.identifyEntities(True, tweetText)
      DataStorage.storeHotTerm(entityList, tweetDateTime)

      def on_error(self, status_code):
      def on_error(self, status_code):
      if status_code == 420:
      # returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
      return False

      def startTwitterStream():

      searchTerms =

      myStreamListener = StreamListener()
      twitterStream = Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=StreamListener())
      global geoGatheringTag
      if geoGatheringTag == False:
      twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an'], async=True, stall_warnings=True)

      if geoGatheringTag == True:
      twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an', 'they're'],
      async=False, locations=[-4.5091, 55.7562, -3.9814, 55.9563], stall_warnings=True)

      # ----------------------- Twitter API Functions ------------------------
      # --------------------------- Main Function ----------------------------

      startTime = 0

      def main():
      global startTime
      userInput = ""
      while userInput != "-1":
      userInput = input("Type ACTiVATE to activate the Crawler, or DATABASE to access data analytic option (-1 to exit): n")
      if userInput.lower() == 'activate':
      startTime = time.clock()


      startTime = time.clock()

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      I've trimmed out the search function, and database handling aspects given they're seperate and to avoid cluttering up the code.

      If anyone has any ideas why this is happening and how I might solve it please let me know, I'd be curious on any insight.

      Solutions I have tried:

      Try/Except block with the http.client.IncompleteRead:

      As per Error-while-fetching-tweets-with-tweepy

      Setting Stall_Warning = to True:

      As per Incompleteread-error-when-retrieving-twitter-data-using-python

      Removing the english language filter.

      share|improve this question

      Running a python script using tweepy which streams (using the twitter streaming API) in a random sample of english tweets, for a minute and then alternates to searching (using the twitter searching API) for a minute and then returns. Issue I've found is that after about 40+ seconds the streaming crashes and gives the following error:

      Full Error:

      urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError: ('Connection broken:
      IncompleteRead(0 bytes read)', IncompleteRead(0 bytes read))

      The amount of bytes read can vary from 0 to well in the 1000's.

      The first time this is seen the streaming cuts out prematurely and the search function starts early, after the search function is done it comes back to the stream once again and on the second recurrence of this error the code crashes.

      The code I'm running is:

      # Handles date time calculation
      def calculateTweetDateTime(tweet):
      tweetDateTime = str(tweet.created_at)

      tweetDateTime = ciso8601.parse_datetime(tweetDateTime)
      return tweetDateTime

      # Checks to see whether that permitted time has past.
      def hasTimeThresholdPast():
      global startTime
      if time.clock() - startTime > 60:
      return True
      return False

      #override tweepy.StreamListener to add logic to on_status
      class StreamListener(StreamListener):

      def on_status(self, tweet):
      if hasTimeThresholdPast():
      return False

      if hasattr(tweet, 'lang'):
      if tweet.lang == 'en':

      tweetText = tweet.extended_tweet["full_text"]
      except AttributeError:
      tweetText = tweet.text

      tweetDateTime = calculateTweetDateTime(tweet)

      entityList = DataProcessing.identifyEntities(True, tweetText)
      DataStorage.storeHotTerm(entityList, tweetDateTime)

      def on_error(self, status_code):
      def on_error(self, status_code):
      if status_code == 420:
      # returning False in on_data disconnects the stream
      return False

      def startTwitterStream():

      searchTerms =

      myStreamListener = StreamListener()
      twitterStream = Stream(auth=api.auth, listener=StreamListener())
      global geoGatheringTag
      if geoGatheringTag == False:
      twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an'], async=True, stall_warnings=True)

      if geoGatheringTag == True:
      twitterStream.filter(track=['the', 'this', 'is', 'their', 'though', 'a', 'an', 'they're'],
      async=False, locations=[-4.5091, 55.7562, -3.9814, 55.9563], stall_warnings=True)

      # ----------------------- Twitter API Functions ------------------------
      # --------------------------- Main Function ----------------------------

      startTime = 0

      def main():
      global startTime
      userInput = ""
      while userInput != "-1":
      userInput = input("Type ACTiVATE to activate the Crawler, or DATABASE to access data analytic option (-1 to exit): n")
      if userInput.lower() == 'activate':
      startTime = time.clock()


      startTime = time.clock()

      if __name__ == '__main__':

      I've trimmed out the search function, and database handling aspects given they're seperate and to avoid cluttering up the code.

      If anyone has any ideas why this is happening and how I might solve it please let me know, I'd be curious on any insight.

      Solutions I have tried:

      Try/Except block with the http.client.IncompleteRead:

      As per Error-while-fetching-tweets-with-tweepy

      Setting Stall_Warning = to True:

      As per Incompleteread-error-when-retrieving-twitter-data-using-python

      Removing the english language filter.

      python twitter tweepy twitter-streaming-api

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Nov 15 '18 at 19:51

      Chris Cookman

      asked Nov 15 '18 at 19:45

      Chris CookmanChris Cookman



          1 Answer






          To those curious or who are experiencing a similar issue: after some experimentation I've discovered the backlog of incoming tweets was the issue. Every time the system recieves a tweet my system ran a process of entity identification and storing which cost a small piece of time and over the time of gathering several hundred to thousand tweets this backlog grew larger and larger until the API couldn't handle it and threw up that error.

          Solution: Strip your "on_status/on_data/on_success" function to the bare essentials and handle any computations, i.e storing or entity identification, seperately after the streaming session has closed. Alternatively you could make your computations much more efficient and make the gap in time insubstantial, up to you.

          share|improve this answer

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            To those curious or who are experiencing a similar issue: after some experimentation I've discovered the backlog of incoming tweets was the issue. Every time the system recieves a tweet my system ran a process of entity identification and storing which cost a small piece of time and over the time of gathering several hundred to thousand tweets this backlog grew larger and larger until the API couldn't handle it and threw up that error.

            Solution: Strip your "on_status/on_data/on_success" function to the bare essentials and handle any computations, i.e storing or entity identification, seperately after the streaming session has closed. Alternatively you could make your computations much more efficient and make the gap in time insubstantial, up to you.

            share|improve this answer



              To those curious or who are experiencing a similar issue: after some experimentation I've discovered the backlog of incoming tweets was the issue. Every time the system recieves a tweet my system ran a process of entity identification and storing which cost a small piece of time and over the time of gathering several hundred to thousand tweets this backlog grew larger and larger until the API couldn't handle it and threw up that error.

              Solution: Strip your "on_status/on_data/on_success" function to the bare essentials and handle any computations, i.e storing or entity identification, seperately after the streaming session has closed. Alternatively you could make your computations much more efficient and make the gap in time insubstantial, up to you.

              share|improve this answer





                To those curious or who are experiencing a similar issue: after some experimentation I've discovered the backlog of incoming tweets was the issue. Every time the system recieves a tweet my system ran a process of entity identification and storing which cost a small piece of time and over the time of gathering several hundred to thousand tweets this backlog grew larger and larger until the API couldn't handle it and threw up that error.

                Solution: Strip your "on_status/on_data/on_success" function to the bare essentials and handle any computations, i.e storing or entity identification, seperately after the streaming session has closed. Alternatively you could make your computations much more efficient and make the gap in time insubstantial, up to you.

                share|improve this answer


                To those curious or who are experiencing a similar issue: after some experimentation I've discovered the backlog of incoming tweets was the issue. Every time the system recieves a tweet my system ran a process of entity identification and storing which cost a small piece of time and over the time of gathering several hundred to thousand tweets this backlog grew larger and larger until the API couldn't handle it and threw up that error.

                Solution: Strip your "on_status/on_data/on_success" function to the bare essentials and handle any computations, i.e storing or entity identification, seperately after the streaming session has closed. Alternatively you could make your computations much more efficient and make the gap in time insubstantial, up to you.

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                answered Nov 16 '18 at 23:50

                Chris CookmanChris Cookman



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