
Showing posts from December 22, 2018

VsCode Go extension debugs Example_c.c file instead of actual file

0 I just tried to execute a Hello World from VSCode 1.28.2 (Windows 8.1) in a C:Scriptshello_world.go file: package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() { fmt.Println("Hello, Gopher!") } My environment is as follows: I installed Go from scratch using the Windows installer: $ go version go version go1.11.2 windows/amd64 Installed on C:Go Installed VSCode Go Extension: Installed debugger: go get -u Checked with SystemPropertiesAdvanced: Local Variable GOPATH = %USERPROFILE%go Local Variable PATH adds %USERPROFILE%gobin System Variable PATH adds C:Gobin System Variable GOROOT = C:Go I have MinGW64, GitBash and MinGW 1.0 (However I don't see how that