
Showing posts from January 6, 2019

Sharath Lohitashwa

Sharath Lohithaswa Born ( 1972-05-05 ) 5 May 1972 (age 46) Thondagere, Tumkur district, Karnataka, India Nationality Indian Occupation Actor Years active 1996-present Spouse(s) Suchitra Children Ankur & A New Born Parent(s) Lohithaswa (father) Sharath Lohithaswa Born (May 5, 1972) (Kannada: ಶರತ್ ಲೋಹಿತಾಶ್ವ ) is an Indian film and stage actor and the son of Kannada artist Lohithaswa. Educated in Bangalore and originally rooted as a theatre artist, he has performed in television series including Chidambara Rahasya (scripted by Late Poornachandra Tejaswi directed by Girish Karnad) broadcast in DD Chandana and Kichchu (directed by K.M. Chaitanya) in ETV Kannada. He has several Kannada films to his credit and has earned a good name as one of the fine actors in Kannada cinema. His roles in Aa Dinagalu (2007), Sanju Weds Geetha (2011) and Bheema Theeradalli (2012) are well known across Karnataka. He played several kinds of roles in Kannada movi

Rangayana Raghu

Rangayana Raghu Raghu during the shoot of Ishtakamya, 2015 Born ( 1965-04-17 ) 17 April 1965 (age 53) Kotturu, Pavagada, Tumkur, Mysore State (now Karnataka), India Nationality Indian Occupation Actor Years active 1995–present Spouse(s) Mangala Children 1 Kotturu Chikkarangappa Raghunath (born 17 April 1965), [1] known by his screen name Rangayana Raghu , is an Indian film and stage actor, known for his work in Kannada cinema. Portraying mostly comic and negative-shaded characters, he has appeared in over 250 films. Prior to acting in films, he worked as a stage actor with B. V. Karanth's theatre group Rangayana, from 1988 to 1999. He made his debut in films in 1995 with Suggi , which got shelved. Raghu got his major break in films after appearing as an antagonist in Dhumm (2002). He is best noted for his performance in the 2007 film Duniya which won him his second Karnataka State Film Award for Best Supporting Actor. His other notable


本条目 需要擴充。 (2010年3月26日) 请協助改善这篇條目,更進一步的信息可能會在討論頁或扩充请求中找到。请在擴充條目後將此模板移除。 康熙曆獄 ,又称 汤若望案 ,此案發生於清朝1659年至1665年間,是由欽天監官楊光先等人發難,矛頭直指湯若望等耶穌會傳教士。楊光先控告湯若望等傳教士有三大罪狀:(一)潛謀造反,(二)邪說惑衆,(三)曆法荒謬 楊光先將湯若望寫的許多書誣為妖言惑眾,並羅列“新法十謬”指斥湯若望西洋新曆法的種種錯誤,更為厲害的是提出由於新曆法使吉時凶時倒置, 造成了嚴重後果: 尤其是選擇順治帝皇太子榮親王的葬期誤用洪範五行,山向年月俱犯忌殺,事犯重大(順治十五年榮親王病死,兩年後,其生母董鄂妃也病逝,又136天後,順治帝也駕崩)。 1661年,順治皇帝病逝,八歲的康熙皇帝登基,年幼尚未親政,輔政大臣鰲拜等一直以來反對西洋學說,不滿外邦人參議朝政,敵視傳教士。於是楊光先夥同鰲拜等陷害湯若望等傳教士。1664年(康熙三年)9月26日,清廷會審湯若望,以及欽天監官員。當時湯若望已經73歲,久已癱瘓重病在身、言語不清,只能由南懷仁代言。 同年冬天,鼇拜廢除新曆,逮捕湯若望和南懷仁等傳教士。翌年3月16日,廷議將欽天監監正湯若望,欽天監官員刻漏科杜如預,五官挈壺正楊弘量,曆科李祖白,春官正宋可成,秋官正宋發,冬官正朱光顯,以及中官正劉有泰等皆淩遲處死 [1] 。 按照判決,次年湯若望應淩遲處死。但不久天上出現被古人認爲不祥之兆的彗星。接著京城又突然發生了大地震,"且一连地震三日,人皆露宿,惴惴不安。 [2] " 皇宮在地震中遭到破壞,而且有宮殿著火。清統治者視其爲上天示警,正所謂"天垂象,示吉凶,聖人則之"。不久以後獲孝莊太皇太后懿旨釋放汤若望:"湯若望向為先帝所信任,禮待極隆,爾等欲置之死地耶? [3] " 湯若望因此得以獲釋免死。欽天監官員杜如預、楊宏量免死,但是李祖白等五人依然被斬 [4] 。 康熙帝親政後,決定平反該案。 参考文献 ^ 國學網:《清史稿·列傳五十九·湯若望楊光先南懷仁》 ^ 王治心,《中國基督教史綱》,上海古籍出版社,2007年3月第一版,第95頁 ^ 余三樂,《早期西方傳教士與北京》,第150頁