
Showing posts from December 9, 2018

George Hampson

For others of this name, see Hampson baronets. Sir George Francis Hampson, 10th Baronet (14 January 1860 – 15 October 1936) was a British entomologist. Hampson studied at Charterhouse School and Exeter College, Oxford. He travelled to India to become a tea-planter in the Nilgiri Hills of the Madras presidency (now Tamil Nadu), where he became interested in moths and butterflies. When he returned to England he became a voluntary worker at the Natural History Museum, where he wrote The Lepidoptera of the Nilgiri District (1891) and The Lepidoptera Heterocera of Ceylon (1893) as parts 8 and 9 of Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera of the British Museum . He then commenced work on The Fauna of British India, Including Ceylon and Burma . Moths (4 vols 1892-1896). Albert C. L. G. Günther offered him a position as Assistant at the Museum in March 1895, and after he succeeded to his baronetcy in 1896, he was promoted to acting Assistant Keeper in 1901. He


整體來說, 自由化 是指之前的政府限制或規定有所放寬,通常指社會(內政)或經濟政策。對於獨裁國家來說,自由化也許會比民主化更早出現,但布拉格之春是一個例外。 在社會政策上它可能指出在比如離婚、墮胎、同性戀或精神科藥物等範疇相關法律限制的放寬。 最常看到的是用這個專有名詞來指出經濟自由化 [1] ,尤其是交易自由化或資本市場自由化。這些政策通常叫作新自由主義。 自由化和私有化(民营化) 雖然經濟自由化通常與民營化有關,不過它們可以頗不同的兩個過程。比如歐洲聯盟自由化了熿氣和電力市場,建立了一個競爭系統,但是有些歐洲的能源公司龍頭,例如法國電力公司(EDF)和Vattenfall(一間瑞典電力公司),仍是一部份或完全是屬於政府的。 自由化和民營化公共服務可能造成寡頭壟斷,即被少數大公司控制著,特別是在資本成本或者沉沒成本高的行業,例如供水、煤氣、電力等。有些情況下,至少在市場的一部份當中(例如零售市場),它們可以一直合法壟斷。 自由化,加上民營化和穩定化是華盛頓共識體系處理經濟轉型的三位一體策略。而由阿根廷創造和使用的一套華盛頓共識政策就是自由化的一個例子。 自由化和民主化 自由化和民主化是截然不同的兩個概念。即使沒有民主化,自由化也會針對某單一事件地出現以應付一些政策以及社會轉變,例如政府資產自由化以開放給私人市場收購; 而民主化則更偏重於政治,可能由自由化引發,但會觸及更多政府功能。 参考文献 ^ 广东今年将推动实现粤港澳服务贸易自由化 中国经济网 2014-06-01 这是一篇經濟學小作品。你可以通过编辑或修订扩充其内容。 查 论 编 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here


Snout moths Meal moth ( Pyralis farinalis ) Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Euarthropoda Class: Insecta Order: Lepidoptera Superfamily: Pyraloidea Family: Pyralidae Latreille, 1809 [1] Type species Pyralis farinalis Linnaeus, 1758 Subfamilies Chrysauginae Epipaschiinae Galleriinae Phycitinae Pyralinae Diversity c. 6,150 species The Pyralidae , commonly called pyralid moths , [2] snout moths or grass moths , [3] are a family of Lepidoptera in the ditrysian superfamily Pyraloidea. [4] [5] In many (particularly older) classifications, the grass moths (Crambidae) are included in the Pyralidae as a subfamily, making the combined group one of the largest families in the Lepidoptera. The latest review by Eugene G. Munroe & Solis, in Kristensen (1999) [ full citation needed ] retains the Crambidae as a full family of Pyraloidea. The wingspans for small and medium-sized species usually b

Is this a bug in Bot Builder V4 SDK Template for Visual Studio

up vote 1 down vote favorite I wonder if this is a bug Bot Builder V4 SDK Template for Visual Studio. As shown in the screenshot below, the builds with the small size do not include the actual project template and cause confusion. Only the ones with the size 426 KB or larger work. botframework share | improve this question asked Nov 11 at 22:34 Allan Xu 1,742 1 18 36 Yes, this is a bug. We are tracking the issu