
Showing posts from November 9, 2018


豆科 化石时期:古新世–現今 [1] Kudzu ( 英语 : Kudzu ) ( Pueraria lobata ) 科学分类 界: 植物界 Plantae 演化支: 被子植物 Angiosperms 演化支: 真双子叶植物 Eudicots 演化支: 蔷薇类植物 Rosids 目: 豆目 Fabales 科: 豆科 Fabaceae Lindl. [2] (Leguminosae Jussieu, nom. cons. ( 英语 : nomen conservandum ) ). [3] 模式属 蠶豆屬 Faba Mill., 1754(= Vicia L., 1753) 亞科 [4] 蘇木亞科 Caesalpinioideae DC. 紫荆亚科 ( 英语 : Cercidoideae ) Cercidoideae LPWG 甘豆亚科 ( 英语 : Detarioideae ) Detarioideae Burmeist. 摘亚木亚科 ( 英语 : Dialioideae ) Dialioideae LPWG 山姜豆亚科 ( 英语 : Duparquetioideae ) Duparquetioideae LPWG 蝶形花亚科 Faboideae Rudd (syn. Papilionoideae DC. ) 多样性 730屬,19,400種 豆科成員分布圖,主要分布於四類生物群系之中: 熱帶雨林 、 溫帶 、 草原 ,以及 沙地 。 [5] 異名 Caesalpiniaceae R.Br. Cassiaceae Link Ceratoniaceae Link Detariaceae (DC.) Hess Hedysareae (Hedysaraceae) Agardh ( 英语 : Agardh ) Lathyraceae Burnett Lotaceae Burnett Mimosaceae R.Br. Papilionaceae Giseke Phaseolaceae Ponce de León ( 英语 : Pa

How to use npm in Symfony4.1 Webpack Encore?

up vote -1 down vote favorite According to the following article Webpack Encore is a simpler way to integrate Webpack into your application. The Installation article says that I should use yarn for CSS and JS managing. I can't find the way do not use yarn. Does anyone know how to use npm with Webpack Encore(Symfony4.1)? Should I find another way: 1)Create my own bundle ? 2)Find another one ? I'm using Symfony4.1. And I known that Symfony4.0 supports both npm and yarn . But why yarn is better than npm and developers have given preference to yarn ? npm webpack symfony4 yarnpkg webpack-encore share | improve this question

Handbrake turn

This article includes a list of references, but its sources remain unclear because it has insufficient inline citations . Please help to improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (January 2013) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) The handbrake turn (also known as the bootlegger's turn ) is a driving technique used to deliberately slide a car sideways, either for the purpose of quickly negotiating a very tight bend, or for turning around well within the vehicle's own turning circle. Contents 1 Technique 2 Physics involved 3 Usage 4 Usage in drifting 5 Dangers 6 See also 7 References 8 External links Technique The driver starts by using steering input to transfer weight to the outside tires; the handbrake is then used to lock the rear wheels, thus upsetting the adhesion between the tires and the road surface. With practice, the car can be placed accurately by releasing the handbrake an