
Showing posts from February 2, 2019

Making API call every 5 seconds in C#

0 I'm trying to develop a mobile app on Xamarin Forms platform.I'm getting data from API.API call only happened once only when the application is opened. I'm Listing livescores between teams in a ListView . For example the minutes of the match 25 for now.I'm waiting 2 minutes and nothing changed. The minute is the same on my ListView.When I close and open the app again minute is changing.I just want to make call every 5 second to refresh the data without close the application. Here is my code. public List<liveScoreData>liveScore() { var result = new List<liveScoreData>(); try { Guid guidSifre = Guid.NewGuid(); string guid = guidSifre.ToString(); string result = CreateMD5forChecksum(guid); using (var