
Showing posts from January 23, 2019


本条目 部分链接不符合格式手冊規範 。跨語言链接及章節標題等處的链接可能需要清理。 (2015年12月12日) 請協助改善此條目。參見WP:LINKSTYLE、WP:MOSIW以了解細節。突出显示跨语言链接可以便于检查。   耳烏賊亞目 Sepiolidae Austrorossia mastigophora 科學分類 界: 動物界 Animalia 門: 軟體動物門 Mollusca 綱: 頭足綱 Cephalopoda 亞綱: 鞘亞綱 Coleoidea 超目: 十腕總目 Decapodiformes 目: 耳烏賊目 Sepiolida 科: 耳烏賊科 Sepiolidae Leach, 1817 亞科及屬 見內文 耳烏賊科 (學名: Sepiolidae )是頭足綱十足總目 耳烏賊科 之下的一個科,包括有三到四個亞科,15個屬。 分類 Heteroteuthinae Amphorateuthis Heteroteuthis Iridoteuthis Nectoteuthis 銀帶耳烏賊屬 Sepiolina Stoloteuthis Rossiinae 南方僧頭耳烏賊屬 Austrorossia Neorossia 光头耳乌贼属 Rossia 半僧頭烏賊 Semirossia 耳烏賊亞科 Sepiolinae 四盘耳乌贼属 Euprymna 暗耳烏賊屬 Inioteuthis Rondeletiola Sepietta 耳烏賊屬 Sepiola 地位未定 Choneteuthis 外部連結 Template:Sepiolida-stub This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

BS3 - Collapsible navbar with another collapsible navbar

0 I want to make this navbar collapsible. The header should collapse all items and then the first item should collapse the other 3 items. Right now, when I click the header, the navbar collapses and shows again immediately after that. Can you point me out? <div id="body" class="container"> <section id="navBar" class="col-md-3 navbar navbar-default"> <div class="navbar-header primary"> <a class="navbar-brand" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#navbar" href="#">navigation</a> </div> <div class="collapse navbar-collapse" id="navbar"> <ul class="nav navbar-nav"> <li class="nav"><a href="

Pyzmq high-water mark not working on pub socket

1 0 According to the ZeroMQ documentation a pub socket is supposed to drop messages once the number of queued messages reaches the high-water mark. This doesn't seem to work in the following example (and yes I do set the hwm before bind/connect): import time import pickle from threading import Thread import zmq ctx = zmq.Context() def pub_thread(): pub = ctx.socket(zmq.PUB) pub.set_hwm(2) pub.bind('tcp://*:5555') i = 0 while True: # Send message every 100ms time.sleep(0.1) pub.send_string("test", zmq.SNDMORE) pub.send_pyobj(i) i += 1 def sub_thread(): sub = ctx.socket(zmq.SUB) sub.subscribe("test") sub.connect('tcp://localhost:5555') while True: # Receive messages