
Showing posts from March 25, 2019


维基百科中的醫療相关内容仅供参考,詳見 醫學聲明 。如需专业意见请咨询专业人士。    提示 :本条目的主题不是 乳糜瀉 。 牛奶過敏 ( 英语: milk allergy )指免疫系統對於牛奶中的蛋白質產生過敏反應,主要症狀是胃腸道、皮膚和呼吸的過敏反應。 牛奶過敏屬於食物過敏,但乳糖不耐症是缺乏需要消化牛奶中的乳糖的酶。目前唯一的防備方法是完全避免牛奶。對嬰兒而言,建議改採母乳替代配方;對兒童和成年人而言,米漿、豆奶、燕麥牛奶和杏仁奶有時也用作母乳代用品。 參見 牛奶蛋白過敏 This page is only for reference, If you need detailed information, please check here

“__LAST__” (in tmpl_if) not always works in Perl HTML::Template

0 I have the following line in my tmpl file: <td><TMPL_LOOP SIGNS><TMPL_VAR LEFT_SIGN> - <TMPL_VAR RIGHT_SIGN><TMPL_UNLESS __LAST__></br></TMPL_UNLESS></TMPL_LOOP></td> When refreshing the page it switches between both displays (sometimes refresh leads to the same display and not necessarily switch it): Display1 (new line between each line - as expected): AA1 - AA2 BB1 - BB2 CC1 - CC2 Display2 (no new line between the last item): AA1 - AA2 BB1 - BB2CC1 - CC2 Recently I upgraded Perl to version 5.24.3 and I suspect that __LAST__ stop working as expected (no always recognize the last item in the loop). I am using the module "HTML::Template". I changed the html to ( __FIRST__ instead of __LAST__ ): <td><TMPL_LOOP SIGNS&