
Showing posts from January 20, 2019

Rail trail

East Gippsland Rail Trail signage in Victoria, Australia indicating the shared trail usage A "rail with trail" in the United States; train at right A rail trail is the conversion of a disused railway track into a multi-use path, typically for walking, cycling and sometimes horse riding and snowmobiling. The characteristics of abandoned railways—flat, long, frequently running through historical areas—are appealing for various developments. The term sometimes also covers trails running alongside working railways; these are called "rails with trails". Some shared trails are segregated, with the segregation achieved with or without separation. Many rail trails are long-distance trails. A rail trail may still include rails, such as light rail or streetcar. By virtue of their characteristic shape (long and flat), some shorter rail trails are known as greenways and linear parks. Contents 1 Rail trails around the world 1.1 Americas 1.1.1 Ber