
Showing posts from December 7, 2018

plot shapefile variable: Error invalid gray level, must be in [0,1]. R

up vote 0 down vote favorite I have a shapefile which I have run through a spatial regression model in R. I have pulled out the residuals from the regression model and added them as a new variable to the original shapefile. I am hoping to map these residuals but am encountering some issues. Here is my code: plot(shapefile,col=gray(shapefile@data$residuals)) I am receiving this error: invalid gray level, must be in [0,1]. Am I correct in assuming this is to do with the values of the residuals? They span from -40 to +20. Is there a way to change this scale from 0-1 to a larger scale? or an easier way to plot these please? I have also tried spplot: spplot(shape@data$residuals) and receive the error: Error in (function (classes, fdef, mtable) : unable to find an inherited method for function ‘sppl

Got error when starting elasticsearch, error saying Failed to bind transport port to 9093

up vote 0 down vote favorite I got error like below in both servers. I setup 2 server for running elasticsearch. Config file also attached as below. I am using ubuntu 18.04. I got error saying failed to bind transport port 9093. I changed default value. I there any other i need to change ? I am using open jdk version 8 - 181 version and elasticsearch version 6.4.3 [2018-11-11T12:38:21,155][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] Unable to lock JVM Memory: error=12, reason=Cannot allocate memory [2018-11-11T12:38:21,157][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] This can result in part of the JVM being swapped out. [2018-11-11T12:38:21,158][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] Increase RLIMIT_MEMLOCK, soft limit: 16777216, hard limit: 16777216 [2018-11-11T12:38:21,158][WARN ][o.e.b.JNANatives ] These can be adjusted by modifying /etc