
Showing posts from January 9, 2019


Image .mw-parser-output table.infobox caption{text-align:center} 锡林郭勒盟  · .mw-parser-output .font-mong{font-family:"Menk Hawang Tig","Menk Qagan Tig","Menk Garqag Tig","Menk Har_a Tig","Menk Scnin Tig","Oyun Gurban Ulus Tig","Oyun Qagan Tig","Oyun Garqag Tig","Oyun Har_a Tig","Oyun Scnin Tig","Oyun Agula Tig","Mongolian Baiti","Mongolian Universal White","Noto Sans Mongolian","Mongol Usug","Mongolian White","MongolianScript","Code2000","Menksoft Qagan"}.mw-parser-output .font-mong-mnc,.mw-parser-output .font-mong:lang(mnc-Mong),.mw-parser-output .font-mong:lang(dta-Mong),.mw-parser-output .font-mong:lang(sjo-Mong){font-family:"Abkai Xanyan","Abkai Xanyan LA","Abkai Xanyan VT","Abkai Xanyan XX","Abkai Xanyan SC","Abkai Buleku&qu

Azure app service with python from a visual studio project

0 We have a python application (Flask) that we develop with Visual Studio. We push this to Azure DevOps as a git. When I push it to our Azure App Service it only works when I only push the actual python files and not the .vs folder or the .pyproj , .pyproj.user files. This means I have a folder locally that I copy the files to and then push to app services. That is not the nicest solution as you can imagine. My questions: Why does app service not work with the "other" files? How would this work nicely that every time I push directly to the app service as well as our Azure DevOps? azure azure-devops azure-app-service-plans share | improve this question