Thingworx Gantt Chart error as “TypeError: Cannot read property 'ActualDataRows' of undefined”


I am using Gantt Chart extension from PTC Marketplace. When I configured and run the mashup it's giving error as "TypeError: Cannot read property 'ActualDataRows' of undefined at resize". (Please refer the below code and the attached image file).
I this.resize function throwing an error as thisWidget.lastData is undefined. As I am new to JavaScript I am unable to solve this error. Could you guys please help me.


(function () {

TW.Runtime.Widgets.ganttChart = function () {
var thisWidget = this;
var currentlySelectedRow = undefined;

this.runtimeProperties = function () {
return {
'needsDataLoadingAndError': true,
'supportsAutoResize': true,
'propertyAttributes': {

this.renderHtml = function () {
if ( === true ) {
widgetWidth = '100%';
widgetHeight = '100%';
} else {
widgetWidth = this.getProperty("Width");
widgetHeight = this.getProperty("Height");
var html = '<div class="widget-content widget-ganttChart"><div id = "chart_div" width=' + widgetWidth + ' height=' + widgetHeight + '> </div></div>';
return html;

this.loadChart = function (rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage) {
google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gantt']});

function drawChart() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Task ID');
data.addColumn('string', 'Task Name');
data.addColumn('string', 'Resource');
data.addColumn('date', 'Start Date');
data.addColumn('date', 'End Date');
data.addColumn('number', 'Duration');
data.addColumn('number', 'Percent Complete');
data.addColumn('string', 'Dependencies');

var trackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('TrackStyle', 'DefaultGanttTrackStyle'));
var altTrackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('AlternativeTrackStyle', 'DefaultAlternativeGanttTrackStyle'));
var arrowStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowStyle', 'DefaultGanttArrowStyle'));

var trackFill = trackStyle.backgroundColor;
var altTrackFill = altTrackStyle.backgroundColor;
var arrowColor = arrowStyle.lineColor;
var arrowWidth = arrowStyle.lineThickness;

for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
var row = rows[i];

[row[taskId], row[taskName], row[resource],
new Date(row[startDate]), new Date(row[endDate]), row[duration], row[percentage], row[relationships]]
var barHeight = thisWidget.getProperty('ItemHeight');
var chartHeight = rows.length * barHeight + 50;
var itemHeight = barHeight - 5;
var cornerRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('BarCornerRadius');
var percentEnabled = thisWidget.getProperty('ShowPercentCompletion');
var arrowRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowRadius');
var arrowAngle = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowAngle');
var options = {
width: "100%",
height: chartHeight,
gantt: {
barHeight: itemHeight,
trackHeight: barHeight,
barCornerRadius: cornerRadius,
arrow: { angle:arrowAngle, length: 5, spaceAfter: 5, radius: arrowRadius, color: arrowColor, width: arrowWidth},
innerGridTrack: {fill: trackFill },
innerGridDarkTrack: {fill: altTrackFill},
percentEnabled : percentEnabled

var chart = new google.visualization.Gantt(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

chart.draw(data, options);, 'select', function(e) {
var selection = chart.getSelection();
if (selection[0] != undefined && selection[0] != null)
thisWidget.handleRowSelection (selection[0].row);


this.afterRender = function () { };

this.handleSelectionUpdate = function (propertyName, selectedRows, selectedRowIndices) {
var domElementId = this.jqElementId;
var widgetElement = this.jqElement;
var widgetProperties =;

if (propertyName == "Data") {
var widgetProperties =;

var idField = widgetProperties['TaskID'];

thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = true;

var nSelectedRows = selectedRows.length;

if (nSelectedRows > 0) {
for (var x = 0; x < nSelectedRows; x++) {
if (selectedRows[x]._isSelected === true) {
thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;
} else

thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;


this.handleRowSelection = function (selectedRowNo) {
if (selectedRowNo !== undefined) {
var selectedRows = [selectedRowNo];

if (!thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent) {
thisWidget.updateSelection('Data', selectedRows);

thisWidget.currentlySelectedRow = selectedRowNo;

this.handleItemClick = function (d) {

this.assignRowNumbers = function (rows) {
var rowid;

for (rowid in rows) {
var row = rows[rowid];
row["_row_"] = rowid;

this.updateProperty = function (updatePropertyInfo) {
var widgetProperties =;

if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "Data") {
thisWidget.lastData = updatePropertyInfo;

var rows = updatePropertyInfo.ActualDataRows;


var taskName = widgetProperties['TaskName'];
var taskId = widgetProperties['TaskID'];
var startDate = widgetProperties['StartDate'];
var endDate = widgetProperties['EndDate'];
var resource = widgetProperties['Resource'];
var relationships = widgetProperties['Relationships'];
var duration = widgetProperties['Duration'];
var percentage = widgetProperties['Percentage'];

this.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);

var selectedRowIndices = updatePropertyInfo.SelectedRowIndices;

if (selectedRowIndices !== undefined) {
if (selectedRowIndices.length > 0) {
var selectedRows = new Array();
setTimeout(function () {
thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", selectedRows, selectedRowIndices);
}, 100);
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
}, 100);
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
}, 100);

if (this.SelectedValuePending !== undefined) {
this.SelectedValuePending = undefined;

} else if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "SelectedValue") {
var selectedItem = updatePropertyInfo.SinglePropertyValue;

var dataPropertyInfo = thisWidget.lastData;

if (dataPropertyInfo != undefined) {
} else {
this.SelectedValuePending = selectedItem;

this.beforeDestroy = function () {

this.resize = function () {

var taskName = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskName');
var taskId = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskID');
var startDate = thisWidget.getProperty('StartDate');
var endDate = thisWidget.getProperty('EndDate');
var resource = thisWidget.getProperty('Resource');
var relationships = thisWidget.getProperty('Relationships');
var duration = thisWidget.getProperty('Duration');
var itemHeight = thisWidget.getProperty("ItemHeight");
var percentage = thisWidget.getProperty("Percentage");

var rows = thisWidget.lastData.ActualDataRows; //here throwing error

thisWidget.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);
window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize);
};} ());

share|improve this question


    I am using Gantt Chart extension from PTC Marketplace. When I configured and run the mashup it's giving error as "TypeError: Cannot read property 'ActualDataRows' of undefined at resize". (Please refer the below code and the attached image file).
    I this.resize function throwing an error as thisWidget.lastData is undefined. As I am new to JavaScript I am unable to solve this error. Could you guys please help me.


    (function () {

    TW.Runtime.Widgets.ganttChart = function () {
    var thisWidget = this;
    var currentlySelectedRow = undefined;

    this.runtimeProperties = function () {
    return {
    'needsDataLoadingAndError': true,
    'supportsAutoResize': true,
    'propertyAttributes': {

    this.renderHtml = function () {
    if ( === true ) {
    widgetWidth = '100%';
    widgetHeight = '100%';
    } else {
    widgetWidth = this.getProperty("Width");
    widgetHeight = this.getProperty("Height");
    var html = '<div class="widget-content widget-ganttChart"><div id = "chart_div" width=' + widgetWidth + ' height=' + widgetHeight + '> </div></div>';
    return html;

    this.loadChart = function (rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage) {
    google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gantt']});

    function drawChart() {
    var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
    data.addColumn('string', 'Task ID');
    data.addColumn('string', 'Task Name');
    data.addColumn('string', 'Resource');
    data.addColumn('date', 'Start Date');
    data.addColumn('date', 'End Date');
    data.addColumn('number', 'Duration');
    data.addColumn('number', 'Percent Complete');
    data.addColumn('string', 'Dependencies');

    var trackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('TrackStyle', 'DefaultGanttTrackStyle'));
    var altTrackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('AlternativeTrackStyle', 'DefaultAlternativeGanttTrackStyle'));
    var arrowStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowStyle', 'DefaultGanttArrowStyle'));

    var trackFill = trackStyle.backgroundColor;
    var altTrackFill = altTrackStyle.backgroundColor;
    var arrowColor = arrowStyle.lineColor;
    var arrowWidth = arrowStyle.lineThickness;

    for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
    var row = rows[i];

    [row[taskId], row[taskName], row[resource],
    new Date(row[startDate]), new Date(row[endDate]), row[duration], row[percentage], row[relationships]]
    var barHeight = thisWidget.getProperty('ItemHeight');
    var chartHeight = rows.length * barHeight + 50;
    var itemHeight = barHeight - 5;
    var cornerRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('BarCornerRadius');
    var percentEnabled = thisWidget.getProperty('ShowPercentCompletion');
    var arrowRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowRadius');
    var arrowAngle = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowAngle');
    var options = {
    width: "100%",
    height: chartHeight,
    gantt: {
    barHeight: itemHeight,
    trackHeight: barHeight,
    barCornerRadius: cornerRadius,
    arrow: { angle:arrowAngle, length: 5, spaceAfter: 5, radius: arrowRadius, color: arrowColor, width: arrowWidth},
    innerGridTrack: {fill: trackFill },
    innerGridDarkTrack: {fill: altTrackFill},
    percentEnabled : percentEnabled

    var chart = new google.visualization.Gantt(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

    chart.draw(data, options);, 'select', function(e) {
    var selection = chart.getSelection();
    if (selection[0] != undefined && selection[0] != null)
    thisWidget.handleRowSelection (selection[0].row);


    this.afterRender = function () { };

    this.handleSelectionUpdate = function (propertyName, selectedRows, selectedRowIndices) {
    var domElementId = this.jqElementId;
    var widgetElement = this.jqElement;
    var widgetProperties =;

    if (propertyName == "Data") {
    var widgetProperties =;

    var idField = widgetProperties['TaskID'];

    thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = true;

    var nSelectedRows = selectedRows.length;

    if (nSelectedRows > 0) {
    for (var x = 0; x < nSelectedRows; x++) {
    if (selectedRows[x]._isSelected === true) {
    thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;
    } else

    thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;


    this.handleRowSelection = function (selectedRowNo) {
    if (selectedRowNo !== undefined) {
    var selectedRows = [selectedRowNo];

    if (!thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent) {
    thisWidget.updateSelection('Data', selectedRows);

    thisWidget.currentlySelectedRow = selectedRowNo;

    this.handleItemClick = function (d) {

    this.assignRowNumbers = function (rows) {
    var rowid;

    for (rowid in rows) {
    var row = rows[rowid];
    row["_row_"] = rowid;

    this.updateProperty = function (updatePropertyInfo) {
    var widgetProperties =;

    if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "Data") {
    thisWidget.lastData = updatePropertyInfo;

    var rows = updatePropertyInfo.ActualDataRows;


    var taskName = widgetProperties['TaskName'];
    var taskId = widgetProperties['TaskID'];
    var startDate = widgetProperties['StartDate'];
    var endDate = widgetProperties['EndDate'];
    var resource = widgetProperties['Resource'];
    var relationships = widgetProperties['Relationships'];
    var duration = widgetProperties['Duration'];
    var percentage = widgetProperties['Percentage'];

    this.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);

    var selectedRowIndices = updatePropertyInfo.SelectedRowIndices;

    if (selectedRowIndices !== undefined) {
    if (selectedRowIndices.length > 0) {
    var selectedRows = new Array();
    setTimeout(function () {
    thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", selectedRows, selectedRowIndices);
    }, 100);
    } else {
    setTimeout(function () {
    thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
    }, 100);
    } else {
    setTimeout(function () {
    thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
    }, 100);

    if (this.SelectedValuePending !== undefined) {
    this.SelectedValuePending = undefined;

    } else if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "SelectedValue") {
    var selectedItem = updatePropertyInfo.SinglePropertyValue;

    var dataPropertyInfo = thisWidget.lastData;

    if (dataPropertyInfo != undefined) {
    } else {
    this.SelectedValuePending = selectedItem;

    this.beforeDestroy = function () {

    this.resize = function () {

    var taskName = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskName');
    var taskId = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskID');
    var startDate = thisWidget.getProperty('StartDate');
    var endDate = thisWidget.getProperty('EndDate');
    var resource = thisWidget.getProperty('Resource');
    var relationships = thisWidget.getProperty('Relationships');
    var duration = thisWidget.getProperty('Duration');
    var itemHeight = thisWidget.getProperty("ItemHeight");
    var percentage = thisWidget.getProperty("Percentage");

    var rows = thisWidget.lastData.ActualDataRows; //here throwing error

    thisWidget.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);
    window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize);
    };} ());

    share|improve this question




      I am using Gantt Chart extension from PTC Marketplace. When I configured and run the mashup it's giving error as "TypeError: Cannot read property 'ActualDataRows' of undefined at resize". (Please refer the below code and the attached image file).
      I this.resize function throwing an error as thisWidget.lastData is undefined. As I am new to JavaScript I am unable to solve this error. Could you guys please help me.


      (function () {

      TW.Runtime.Widgets.ganttChart = function () {
      var thisWidget = this;
      var currentlySelectedRow = undefined;

      this.runtimeProperties = function () {
      return {
      'needsDataLoadingAndError': true,
      'supportsAutoResize': true,
      'propertyAttributes': {

      this.renderHtml = function () {
      if ( === true ) {
      widgetWidth = '100%';
      widgetHeight = '100%';
      } else {
      widgetWidth = this.getProperty("Width");
      widgetHeight = this.getProperty("Height");
      var html = '<div class="widget-content widget-ganttChart"><div id = "chart_div" width=' + widgetWidth + ' height=' + widgetHeight + '> </div></div>';
      return html;

      this.loadChart = function (rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage) {
      google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gantt']});

      function drawChart() {
      var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
      data.addColumn('string', 'Task ID');
      data.addColumn('string', 'Task Name');
      data.addColumn('string', 'Resource');
      data.addColumn('date', 'Start Date');
      data.addColumn('date', 'End Date');
      data.addColumn('number', 'Duration');
      data.addColumn('number', 'Percent Complete');
      data.addColumn('string', 'Dependencies');

      var trackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('TrackStyle', 'DefaultGanttTrackStyle'));
      var altTrackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('AlternativeTrackStyle', 'DefaultAlternativeGanttTrackStyle'));
      var arrowStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowStyle', 'DefaultGanttArrowStyle'));

      var trackFill = trackStyle.backgroundColor;
      var altTrackFill = altTrackStyle.backgroundColor;
      var arrowColor = arrowStyle.lineColor;
      var arrowWidth = arrowStyle.lineThickness;

      for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
      var row = rows[i];

      [row[taskId], row[taskName], row[resource],
      new Date(row[startDate]), new Date(row[endDate]), row[duration], row[percentage], row[relationships]]
      var barHeight = thisWidget.getProperty('ItemHeight');
      var chartHeight = rows.length * barHeight + 50;
      var itemHeight = barHeight - 5;
      var cornerRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('BarCornerRadius');
      var percentEnabled = thisWidget.getProperty('ShowPercentCompletion');
      var arrowRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowRadius');
      var arrowAngle = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowAngle');
      var options = {
      width: "100%",
      height: chartHeight,
      gantt: {
      barHeight: itemHeight,
      trackHeight: barHeight,
      barCornerRadius: cornerRadius,
      arrow: { angle:arrowAngle, length: 5, spaceAfter: 5, radius: arrowRadius, color: arrowColor, width: arrowWidth},
      innerGridTrack: {fill: trackFill },
      innerGridDarkTrack: {fill: altTrackFill},
      percentEnabled : percentEnabled

      var chart = new google.visualization.Gantt(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

      chart.draw(data, options);, 'select', function(e) {
      var selection = chart.getSelection();
      if (selection[0] != undefined && selection[0] != null)
      thisWidget.handleRowSelection (selection[0].row);


      this.afterRender = function () { };

      this.handleSelectionUpdate = function (propertyName, selectedRows, selectedRowIndices) {
      var domElementId = this.jqElementId;
      var widgetElement = this.jqElement;
      var widgetProperties =;

      if (propertyName == "Data") {
      var widgetProperties =;

      var idField = widgetProperties['TaskID'];

      thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = true;

      var nSelectedRows = selectedRows.length;

      if (nSelectedRows > 0) {
      for (var x = 0; x < nSelectedRows; x++) {
      if (selectedRows[x]._isSelected === true) {
      thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;
      } else

      thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;


      this.handleRowSelection = function (selectedRowNo) {
      if (selectedRowNo !== undefined) {
      var selectedRows = [selectedRowNo];

      if (!thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent) {
      thisWidget.updateSelection('Data', selectedRows);

      thisWidget.currentlySelectedRow = selectedRowNo;

      this.handleItemClick = function (d) {

      this.assignRowNumbers = function (rows) {
      var rowid;

      for (rowid in rows) {
      var row = rows[rowid];
      row["_row_"] = rowid;

      this.updateProperty = function (updatePropertyInfo) {
      var widgetProperties =;

      if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "Data") {
      thisWidget.lastData = updatePropertyInfo;

      var rows = updatePropertyInfo.ActualDataRows;


      var taskName = widgetProperties['TaskName'];
      var taskId = widgetProperties['TaskID'];
      var startDate = widgetProperties['StartDate'];
      var endDate = widgetProperties['EndDate'];
      var resource = widgetProperties['Resource'];
      var relationships = widgetProperties['Relationships'];
      var duration = widgetProperties['Duration'];
      var percentage = widgetProperties['Percentage'];

      this.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);

      var selectedRowIndices = updatePropertyInfo.SelectedRowIndices;

      if (selectedRowIndices !== undefined) {
      if (selectedRowIndices.length > 0) {
      var selectedRows = new Array();
      setTimeout(function () {
      thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", selectedRows, selectedRowIndices);
      }, 100);
      } else {
      setTimeout(function () {
      thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
      }, 100);
      } else {
      setTimeout(function () {
      thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
      }, 100);

      if (this.SelectedValuePending !== undefined) {
      this.SelectedValuePending = undefined;

      } else if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "SelectedValue") {
      var selectedItem = updatePropertyInfo.SinglePropertyValue;

      var dataPropertyInfo = thisWidget.lastData;

      if (dataPropertyInfo != undefined) {
      } else {
      this.SelectedValuePending = selectedItem;

      this.beforeDestroy = function () {

      this.resize = function () {

      var taskName = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskName');
      var taskId = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskID');
      var startDate = thisWidget.getProperty('StartDate');
      var endDate = thisWidget.getProperty('EndDate');
      var resource = thisWidget.getProperty('Resource');
      var relationships = thisWidget.getProperty('Relationships');
      var duration = thisWidget.getProperty('Duration');
      var itemHeight = thisWidget.getProperty("ItemHeight");
      var percentage = thisWidget.getProperty("Percentage");

      var rows = thisWidget.lastData.ActualDataRows; //here throwing error

      thisWidget.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);
      window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize);
      };} ());

      share|improve this question

      I am using Gantt Chart extension from PTC Marketplace. When I configured and run the mashup it's giving error as "TypeError: Cannot read property 'ActualDataRows' of undefined at resize". (Please refer the below code and the attached image file).
      I this.resize function throwing an error as thisWidget.lastData is undefined. As I am new to JavaScript I am unable to solve this error. Could you guys please help me.


      (function () {

      TW.Runtime.Widgets.ganttChart = function () {
      var thisWidget = this;
      var currentlySelectedRow = undefined;

      this.runtimeProperties = function () {
      return {
      'needsDataLoadingAndError': true,
      'supportsAutoResize': true,
      'propertyAttributes': {

      this.renderHtml = function () {
      if ( === true ) {
      widgetWidth = '100%';
      widgetHeight = '100%';
      } else {
      widgetWidth = this.getProperty("Width");
      widgetHeight = this.getProperty("Height");
      var html = '<div class="widget-content widget-ganttChart"><div id = "chart_div" width=' + widgetWidth + ' height=' + widgetHeight + '> </div></div>';
      return html;

      this.loadChart = function (rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage) {
      google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['gantt']});

      function drawChart() {
      var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
      data.addColumn('string', 'Task ID');
      data.addColumn('string', 'Task Name');
      data.addColumn('string', 'Resource');
      data.addColumn('date', 'Start Date');
      data.addColumn('date', 'End Date');
      data.addColumn('number', 'Duration');
      data.addColumn('number', 'Percent Complete');
      data.addColumn('string', 'Dependencies');

      var trackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('TrackStyle', 'DefaultGanttTrackStyle'));
      var altTrackStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('AlternativeTrackStyle', 'DefaultAlternativeGanttTrackStyle'));
      var arrowStyle = TW.getStyleFromStyleDefinition(thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowStyle', 'DefaultGanttArrowStyle'));

      var trackFill = trackStyle.backgroundColor;
      var altTrackFill = altTrackStyle.backgroundColor;
      var arrowColor = arrowStyle.lineColor;
      var arrowWidth = arrowStyle.lineThickness;

      for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) {
      var row = rows[i];

      [row[taskId], row[taskName], row[resource],
      new Date(row[startDate]), new Date(row[endDate]), row[duration], row[percentage], row[relationships]]
      var barHeight = thisWidget.getProperty('ItemHeight');
      var chartHeight = rows.length * barHeight + 50;
      var itemHeight = barHeight - 5;
      var cornerRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('BarCornerRadius');
      var percentEnabled = thisWidget.getProperty('ShowPercentCompletion');
      var arrowRadius = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowRadius');
      var arrowAngle = thisWidget.getProperty('ArrowAngle');
      var options = {
      width: "100%",
      height: chartHeight,
      gantt: {
      barHeight: itemHeight,
      trackHeight: barHeight,
      barCornerRadius: cornerRadius,
      arrow: { angle:arrowAngle, length: 5, spaceAfter: 5, radius: arrowRadius, color: arrowColor, width: arrowWidth},
      innerGridTrack: {fill: trackFill },
      innerGridDarkTrack: {fill: altTrackFill},
      percentEnabled : percentEnabled

      var chart = new google.visualization.Gantt(document.getElementById('chart_div'));

      chart.draw(data, options);, 'select', function(e) {
      var selection = chart.getSelection();
      if (selection[0] != undefined && selection[0] != null)
      thisWidget.handleRowSelection (selection[0].row);


      this.afterRender = function () { };

      this.handleSelectionUpdate = function (propertyName, selectedRows, selectedRowIndices) {
      var domElementId = this.jqElementId;
      var widgetElement = this.jqElement;
      var widgetProperties =;

      if (propertyName == "Data") {
      var widgetProperties =;

      var idField = widgetProperties['TaskID'];

      thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = true;

      var nSelectedRows = selectedRows.length;

      if (nSelectedRows > 0) {
      for (var x = 0; x < nSelectedRows; x++) {
      if (selectedRows[x]._isSelected === true) {
      thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;
      } else

      thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent = false;


      this.handleRowSelection = function (selectedRowNo) {
      if (selectedRowNo !== undefined) {
      var selectedRows = [selectedRowNo];

      if (!thisWidget.ignoreSelectionEvent) {
      thisWidget.updateSelection('Data', selectedRows);

      thisWidget.currentlySelectedRow = selectedRowNo;

      this.handleItemClick = function (d) {

      this.assignRowNumbers = function (rows) {
      var rowid;

      for (rowid in rows) {
      var row = rows[rowid];
      row["_row_"] = rowid;

      this.updateProperty = function (updatePropertyInfo) {
      var widgetProperties =;

      if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "Data") {
      thisWidget.lastData = updatePropertyInfo;

      var rows = updatePropertyInfo.ActualDataRows;


      var taskName = widgetProperties['TaskName'];
      var taskId = widgetProperties['TaskID'];
      var startDate = widgetProperties['StartDate'];
      var endDate = widgetProperties['EndDate'];
      var resource = widgetProperties['Resource'];
      var relationships = widgetProperties['Relationships'];
      var duration = widgetProperties['Duration'];
      var percentage = widgetProperties['Percentage'];

      this.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);

      var selectedRowIndices = updatePropertyInfo.SelectedRowIndices;

      if (selectedRowIndices !== undefined) {
      if (selectedRowIndices.length > 0) {
      var selectedRows = new Array();
      setTimeout(function () {
      thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", selectedRows, selectedRowIndices);
      }, 100);
      } else {
      setTimeout(function () {
      thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
      }, 100);
      } else {
      setTimeout(function () {
      thisWidget.handleSelectionUpdate("Data", , );
      }, 100);

      if (this.SelectedValuePending !== undefined) {
      this.SelectedValuePending = undefined;

      } else if (updatePropertyInfo.TargetProperty === "SelectedValue") {
      var selectedItem = updatePropertyInfo.SinglePropertyValue;

      var dataPropertyInfo = thisWidget.lastData;

      if (dataPropertyInfo != undefined) {
      } else {
      this.SelectedValuePending = selectedItem;

      this.beforeDestroy = function () {

      this.resize = function () {

      var taskName = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskName');
      var taskId = thisWidget.getProperty('TaskID');
      var startDate = thisWidget.getProperty('StartDate');
      var endDate = thisWidget.getProperty('EndDate');
      var resource = thisWidget.getProperty('Resource');
      var relationships = thisWidget.getProperty('Relationships');
      var duration = thisWidget.getProperty('Duration');
      var itemHeight = thisWidget.getProperty("ItemHeight");
      var percentage = thisWidget.getProperty("Percentage");

      var rows = thisWidget.lastData.ActualDataRows; //here throwing error

      thisWidget.loadChart(rows, taskId, taskName, startDate, endDate, resource, relationships, duration, percentage);
      window.addEventListener("resize", this.resize);
      };} ());

      javascript custom-widgets thingworx

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      asked Nov 2 '18 at 5:46

      test mestech



          1 Answer





          This problem caused because I haven't assigned Trigger Event to data service used for a Gantt Chart. In this case assign 'Mashup Loaded' Trigger Event to data service.


          share|improve this answer

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            1 Answer











            This problem caused because I haven't assigned Trigger Event to data service used for a Gantt Chart. In this case assign 'Mashup Loaded' Trigger Event to data service.


            share|improve this answer


              This problem caused because I haven't assigned Trigger Event to data service used for a Gantt Chart. In this case assign 'Mashup Loaded' Trigger Event to data service.


              share|improve this answer




                This problem caused because I haven't assigned Trigger Event to data service used for a Gantt Chart. In this case assign 'Mashup Loaded' Trigger Event to data service.


                share|improve this answer

                This problem caused because I haven't assigned Trigger Event to data service used for a Gantt Chart. In this case assign 'Mashup Loaded' Trigger Event to data service.


                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                share|improve this answer

                edited Nov 16 '18 at 8:45

                answered Nov 14 '18 at 6:55

                test mestech



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